AIT Quick Comments 4.0.2

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Download AIT Quick Comments 4.0.2 from nulled fire. Quick Comments provides you with fixed panel visible on all pages so visitors can contact you immedi

Download AIT Quick Comments 4.0.2 from nulled fire

Quick Comments provides you with fixed panel visible on all pages so visitors can contact you immedi
Let your visitors or customers contact you faster. Quick Comments provides you with fixed panel visible on all pages so visitors can contact you immediately. It’s the simplest way of getting in touch while using WordPress default comments. Therefore there is no additional or separated database and everything is in one place.

  • Users don't have to look for contact information or right comments form through pages
    Instead they have all time visible panel in the corner of your website and comment will be send where it belongs.

  • Plugin uses default WordPress comment system
    You can set default page for all stored comments sent by users. If user sent a quick comment on page which has comments enabled, his comment will be stored on the very same page.

  • Quick Comments panel is fully customizable
    You can set your own texts, colors, icons

  • Branding
    You can set your own or disable branding totally

  • E-mail notification for admin
    After user submits a comment you will by notified by e-mail

  • Reply notification for users
    User will be notified by email that you have answered his message

  • Private messages
    Ability to send messages only via emails. Comment will not be stored publicly.

  • Newsletter Subscription
    You can enable subscription option to be available for users right in the quick comments panel

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AIT Quick Comments

(1.2 MB / .zip) File Size
Apanha Apanha Published By