Asset CleanUp Pro Performance WordPress Plugin

Download Asset CleanUp Pro Performance WordPress Plugin from nulled fire. Asset CleanUp Pro prevent Chosen Scripts & Styles from loading to reduce HTTP Requests.
* "CSS/JS Manager": If a handle has inline code associated with it, mention the size (e.g. bytes, KB) of that inlined LINK or SCRIPT (just like it's mentioned for the LINK tags with the "href" attribute and SCRIPT tags with the "src" attribute)
* Higher accuracy in detecting (for optimization) the LINK tags that are loading CSS/JS files
* Improvement: In case a WordPress installation has a subdirectory (e.g., make sure any assets that have relative URIs (e.g. /blog/wp-content/style.css) are all optimized properly
* By default, the front-end optimization is not triggered for URIs with query strings (as they are usually not cacheable); Make more exceptions and trigger the optimization when there are common query strings (the page is cacheable) in the URI such as the ones starting with "utm_", "mtm_", "fb_", etc.
* Better detection of the homepage in early checks for rules set in "Plugins Manager" by ignoring more common query strings such as the ones starting with "utm_", "mtm_", "fb_", etc.
* Higher accuracy in detecting WordPress core files (some of the undetected WP core files used to be shown in the "External 3rd Party" area)
* Higher accuracy in detecting a DIVI page builder: Asset CleanUp doesn't load any rules when /wp-admin/admin.php?page=et_theme_builder is loaded unless you want to -- read more: Is Asset CleanUp loading when Divi Builder is used? How to make the editor faster? - Asset CleanUp Pro: Documentation
* Cache Enabler Compatibility: Avoid the deprecated error related to "cache_enabler_before_store" by checking the version of Cache Enabler and using the right filter
* Improvement: Make sure all the unload rules from "Overview" are marked with red font as all load exceptions are marked with green font
* Fix: PHP 8.1 - Make sure substr() doesn't have any null parameters to avoid any errors
* Fix: When editing a post/page and "Classic Editor" plugin is activated (basically when the page looks the same as it used to before Gutenberg editor was implemented in WordPress), the "Preview Changes" button from the top right side box does not work if the CSS/JS manager is loaded