Asset CleanUp Pro Performance WordPress Plugin

Download Asset CleanUp Pro Performance WordPress Plugin from nulled fire. Asset CleanUp Pro prevent Chosen Scripts & Styles from loading to reduce HTTP Requests.
* "CSS & JS Manager" -- ("Posts" | "Pages") -- Notify the admin if there aren't any posts/pages where assets could be managed - e.g. in fresh WordPress installations or when a website just doesn't have articles ("posts")
* Make sure Asset CleanUp Pro is not loading by default when DIVI builder previews are triggered (e.g. when the "et_pb_preview" query string is in the URI)
* Fix: Make sure the hardcoded assets are printed when managing the assets in the front-end view ("Settings" -- "Plugin Usage Preferences" -- "Manage in the Front-end")
* Fix: Added missing link to the special settings documentation post
* Show any special settings in "Overview" -- read more: What are special settings? How can I enable any of them? - Asset CleanUp Pro: Documentation
* Make sure the plugin unload rules for REST API calls (read more: Is Asset CleanUp Pro loading when REST API calls are made? Can I unload plugins to make the calls faster? - Asset CleanUp Pro: Documentation) apply on AJAX calls as well (e.g. when a plugin uses jQuery AJAX code to fetch information from a REST API call)
* Notify the admin when the tracking notice is shown that he/she can manage this option in the "Settings" area (e.g. in case closing the notice box doesn't work because of some JavaScript errors on that page, coming from a different plugin or the theme)
* Make sure the user is redirected only once to the "Getting Started" page after the plugin is activated the first time (not after every re-activation as many developers are doing debugging)
* Reduce the number of DB calls when visiting the "Plugins" page within the Dashboard and the "License" page from Asset CleanUp Pro's menu