Asset CleanUp Pro Performance WordPress Plugin

Download Asset CleanUp Pro Performance WordPress Plugin from nulled fire. Asset CleanUp Pro prevent Chosen Scripts & Styles from loading to reduce HTTP Requests.
* PHP 8 Fix: 'PHP Warning: Undefined array key "critical_css_disabled"' in /templates/admin-page-overview.php
* Fix: 'Error: The security check has failed.0' when loading the CSS/JS list via the 'Direct' method within the Dashboard
* Added the "wpacu_settings" filter - add_filter() - so the plugin's "Settings" can be altered via code (e.g. adding if clauses programmatically to alter the value of a certain textarea or have an option disabled on specific pages) when necessary
* Prevent the following option from being accidentally disabled: 'Ignore dependency rule and keep the "children" loaded' (e.g. in rare cases, some CSS/JS have dependencies on certain pages only)
* Fix: Added nonce checks for every WordPress AJAX call to improve security
* Automatically preload any combined JS files within the BODY tag (that do not have any "defer" or "async" attribute) to improve the Google PageSpeed Insights score for the following: "Preload key requests"
* Reorganised the layout for "Manage in the Dashboard" from "Settings" -> "Plugin Usage Preferences"
* Fix: When minifying CSS content, do not strip the extra calc() when something like the following is used: "calc( 50% - 22px ) calc( 50% - 22px )"
* Fix: When Gutenberg editor is used and the post is updated, sometimes the CSS/JS manager is reloaded BEFORE the changes are saved showing the same state as it used to be confusing the admin that the changes weren't applied