Asset CleanUp Pro Performance WordPress Plugin

Download Asset CleanUp Pro Performance WordPress Plugin from nulled fire. Asset CleanUp Pro prevent Chosen Scripts & Styles from loading to reduce HTTP Requests.
* Divi builder edit mode: Allow Asset CleanUp Pro to trigger plugin & CSS/JS unload rules when the page editor is on to make the editor load faster via define('WPACU_LOAD_ON_DIVI_BUILDER_EDIT', true); that can be set in wp-config.php / read more: Is Asset CleanUp loading when Divi Builder is used? How to make the editor faster? - Asset CleanUp Pro: Documentation
* Cache Enabler (compatibility with older versions): Make sure deprecated "cache_enabler_before_store" hook is in use
* Unload "photoswipe" fix: If WooCommerce's PhotoSwipe was unloaded, empty dots were printed at the bottom of the page from unused/unneeded HTML (hide it by marking the DIV with the "pswp" class as hidden)
* Improvement: Only use 'type="text/css"' when it's needed (e.g. an older theme is used that doesn't support HTML5)
* Improvement: Make SweetAlert2 independent (styling, functionality) from other SweetAlert scripts that might be loaded from other plugins/themes (e.g. "WooCommerce Quickbooks Connector" export in an edit product page was not working)
* Fix: Better detection for the homepage (e.g. the latest posts page was mistaken with the homepage in the front-end view of the CSS/JS manager)
* Fix: Better detection for the singular page; Make sure the latest posts page such as the "Blog" one is also checked)
* Fix: Make sure the license deactivation works even if the license is not valid so that it could be replaced with a valid one (e.g. a null version was initially used)
* Minify CSS/JS improvement: From now on, the minification can be either applied to files, inline JS code, or both (before, the files minification had to be enabled to files first and then to inline JS code; sometimes, users just wanted to minify inline code and leave the files untouched)
* Fix: On some WordPress installations, the plugin's menu icon from the Dashboard's sidebar was not showing properly (the height was too large)
* Fix: If there are too many assets/plugins unloaded, when showing up in the top admin bar menu, the list was not scrollable (e.g. only 20 out of 40 assets were shown because the height of the browser's window wasn't large enough which can not be expanded on smaller devices)
* Fix: If the current theme supports HTML5, the 'type="text/javascript"' attribute is not added any more to altered SCRIPT tags by Asset CleanUp, thus avoiding any errors from W3C validators
* Fix: When "Move All <SCRIPT> tags From HEAD to BODY" was enabled, all SCRIPT tags got moved including those with the "type" attribute having values such as "application/ld+json" (these ones should stay within the HEAD tag)
* Fix: Make sure WP Rocket is fully triggered when the assets are fetched via Asset CleanUp, as the "Uncode" theme is calling get_rocket_option() without checking if the function exists
* Fix: Added nonce checks to AJAX calls made by Asset CleanUp for extra security