Asset CleanUp Pro Performance WordPress Plugin

Download Asset CleanUp Pro Performance WordPress Plugin from nulled fire. Asset CleanUp Pro prevent Chosen Scripts & Styles from loading to reduce HTTP Requests.
* In "Settings" page, a check is automatically made (in "Optimize CSS" & "Optimize JavaScript") to determine if the website is delivered through the HTTP/2 network protocol, thus encouraging the admin to avoid combining CSS/JS unless it's really necessary
* Save resources by skipping certain SCRIPT tags if Inline JS is enabled for files below a specific size in KB (a confirmation window was also added up when the option is enabled to remind the admin that using it could break things if not used carefully)
* Fix: Added missing update functions that failed specific things to update from the edit taxonomy page (e.g. a category) within the Dashboard
* Improved the speed of the generated & printed combined CSS/JS assets by ~30ms (depending on the hosting package and the PHP version used) when the HTML source is altered by avoiding extra useless verifications of the HTML output
* Improved combine CSS/JS feature: If the inline content (CSS/JS) that is associated with a handle (added via wp_add_inline_style() or wp_add_inline_script()) changes and the caching is cleared, make sure a new JS combined file is generated. Before, the caching had to be cleared in the browser as well, leading to old JS loaded in some situations
* When managing the assets, make sure the checkboxes from the load exception area are always disabled if there's no unload rule set, thus avoiding any user error to mistakenly add useless load exceptions to an already loading asset, also avoiding any confusing and get a cleaner list in the "Overview" area
* When managing the assets, make sure to show "before" and "after" content (so the user is aware how is that inline tag generated) associated with a handle too (not just the "data" one added via wp_localize_script())
* "Overview" page update: If there's any "Load it for the logged-in user" exception for a handle, show it
* Fix: Avoid creating redundant CSS files when minify inlined tags is enabled, leading to a large number of files in the caching
* Caching: Expired CSS/JS files are cleared differently (in time after visiting various pages) to save resources and errors related to the PHP memory (e.g. shared hosting packages often have limitations in terms of the server's CPU & memory usage)
* Make sure the combined CSS/JS file is valid before its tag is generated in the HTML output (in rare cases, the cached CSS/JS files get deleted either by mistake when developers are cleaning up the caching directory OR they weren't properly created in the first place)