Asset CleanUp Pro Performance WordPress Plugin

Download Asset CleanUp Pro Performance WordPress Plugin from nulled fire. Asset CleanUp Pro prevent Chosen Scripts & Styles from loading to reduce HTTP Requests.
* CSS/JS unloading and other optimization options are now available for `Custom Post Type Archive Pages` (not just the singular pages belonging to the custom post type)
* Fix: Sometimes, "Fatal error: Cannot use object of type WP_Error as array" PHP error is logged when the assets are retrieved via "WP Remote Post"
* Make the plugin's user aware about jQuery Migrate not loading starting from WordPress 5.5 (a notice is showing in "Settings" -> "Site-Wide Common Unloads" if the WP version >= 5.5)
* Add alerts for WooCommerce assets when the user is about to unload them to make sure he/she is aware of the consequences (e.g. "js-cookie", "wc-cart-fragments")
* Oxygen plugin compatibility: Make sure the page loads fine when "Manage in the front-end view" is enabled and the admin is logged-in (e.g. ob_flush() is used to print missing content)
* Do not unload plugins (any unload rule from the "Plugins Manager" area) on front-end pages if an AJAX request was made (e.g. some plugins such as WooCommerce & Gravity Forms are using index.php?[query_string_here] and we won't want to block these calls as they are obviously made for a reason)
* Added action hooks before ("wpacu_clear_cache_before") & after ("wpacu_clear_cache_after") the plugin's CSS/JS caching is cleared
* Do not deactivate the plugin automatically on Dashboard view if the PHP version is below 5.6 and when the plugin is activated, prevent its activation when the PHP version is below 5.6 printing an error message
* Yoast SEO Compatibility Fix: Prevent the plugin from minifying SCRIPT tags if the type is different than "text/javascript", avoiding errors with plugins such as Yoast SEO (type: application/ld+json)
* WordPress 5.5 & "Enable jQuery Migrate Helper" Fix - /assets/script.min.js: jQuery.fn.load() is deprecated
* When the CSS/JS list is fetched using the "Direct" way of fetching the assets ("Manage in the Dashboard"), there are two calls made; Now the progress is shown for each of the calls for easier debugging in case the assets' list is not retrieved successfully
* Improvement: Do not defer the plugin's own script file as sometimes its functions do not work (e.g. if there are JS errors from other plugins); It's better to have it loaded as render-blocking (small file anyway), as soon as possible
* Improvement: Do not leave extra space in the LINK & SCRIPT tags (it makes things easier when debugging the HTML source that might have been altered by the plugin)
* Fix: Avoid triggering the plugin if the request is an API one starting with "/wp-json/wc/" (excluding the site's base URL), WooCommerce related (REST requests)
* Fix: PHP Notice: Array to string conversion (CombineCss.php on line 503)
* Fix: PHP Notice: Undefined index: is_frontend_view (view-by-location.php on line 311)
* Fix: Fix: When assets are fetched, the list of CSS/JS wasn't showing up (AJAX call error) if the page URL that is called (from which the assets are fetched) is loaded with HTTP protocol while the Dashboard (the URL from which the AJAX call is made) is accessed via the HTTPS protocol - Error: "This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS."
* Fix: "PHP Warning: Use of undefined constant CURL_HTTP_VERSION_2_0" (triggered only for the admin to check if the server supports the HTTP/2 protocol); Show the verify link for HTTP/2 protocol if the automatic detection is not working
* Fix: "PHP Notice: Undefined variable: pluginListContracted in (...)/templates/meta-box-loaded-assets/view-by-location.php"
* Security Fix: Sanitize values from BulkChanges.php to prevent the execution of arbitrary code (e.g. JavaScript code)
* Fix: CombineJs.php - PHP Notice: Array to string conversion (it happened when there were more than one inline JS code associated with a handle)
* Fix: CombineJs.php - Prevent PHP notice errors from showing up
* Security Fix: Sanitize value from $_REQUEST['wpacu_selected_sub_tab_area'] to prevent execution of arbitrary code (e.g. JavaScript code)
* Security Fix: Sanitize $postId (make sure it's only an integer) from the "duplicate_post_meta_keys_filter" filter to avoid any SQL injection attack