Asset CleanUp Pro Performance WordPress Plugin

Download Asset CleanUp Pro Performance WordPress Plugin from nulled fire. Asset CleanUp Pro prevent Chosen Scripts & Styles from loading to reduce HTTP Requests.
* Fix: CombineJs.php - PHP Notice: Array to string conversion (it happened when there were more than one inline JS code associated with a handle)
* Fix: CombineJs.php - Prevent PHP notice errors from showing up
* Security Fix: Sanitize value from $_REQUEST['wpacu_selected_sub_tab_area'] to prevent execution of arbitrary code (e.g. JavaScript code)
* Security Fix: Sanitize $postId (make sure it's only an integer) from the "duplicate_post_meta_keys_filter" filter to avoid any SQL injection attack
* The caching of a file is re-built based on the filemtime() value as developers often forget to update the value of the "ver" (/?ver=) after updating a CSS/JS file's content
* When listing the loaded stylesheets (LINK tags), make sure to print the "media" attribute if it's different than "all" so the admin will be aware if that particular CSS is meant for mobile or other devices (e.g. to save time from going through the HTML source code and check it out there)
* Files loaded from "/wp-content/bs-booster-cache/" are not minified/combined (as they are already minified) to avoid getting a large caching directory (often having lots of GB)
* Prevent certain JavaScript code containing random strings such as nonces (e.g. CDATA one) from being added to the combined JS files to avoid the plugin generating lots of JS combined files that would increase the total disk space by writing to the caching directory
* Fix: "Combine CSS" was not working, unless "Combine JS" was also enabled
* Update for the feature to check if the asset's content (CSS/JS) is already minified; Limit the number of database entries to 100 in case there are too many assets that might be having dynamic content
* Caching dynamically loaded assets is no longer enabled by default as it seems to be causing issues with some themes/plugins
* Added "Read more" links for some of the handles that have special documentation written about them (e.g. "How to unload Swiper in Elementor" or "How to check if Gutenberg Blocks CSS file is needed or not")
* Autoptimize compatibility: If "Minify HTML" is enabled in Autoptimize, make sure any changes to the HTML source that should be applied by Asset CleanUp, are done before the HTML minification
* Fix: If 'Hide "Asset CleanUp Pro: CSS & JavaScript Manager" meta box' is checked, make sure it also takes effect on taxonomy (e.g. 'category') edit page
* At least PHP 5.6 is now required (anything below that and the plugin won't activate). Official support for PHP 5.6 ended on December 31st, 2018. Unless you really have to use it (e.g. old code that won't work with newer PHP version), it's strongly recommended that you update to PHP 7+ as it's much faster & uses fewer resources than older PHP versions, not to mention the improvement in terms of security vulnerabilities & bugs - Read more about unsupported PHP branches: PHP: Unsupported Branches