Asset CleanUp Pro Performance WordPress Plugin

Download Asset CleanUp Pro Performance WordPress Plugin from nulled fire. Asset CleanUp Pro prevent Chosen Scripts & Styles from loading to reduce HTTP Requests.
* New Feature: Instruct the browser to download a CSS/JS file only when a certain media query matches (e.g. you might have a certain CSS file that is needed only in the desktop view, but not on mobile view)
* Prevent the plugin from triggering when Lumise plugin is used in edit mode
* Improvement: In the front-end view (when "Manage in the front-end" is enabled), the hardcoded assets are retrieved via an AJAX call for higher accuracy especially when certain plugins are using various techniques to list their assets (e.g. "Smart Slider 3")
* Oxygen Builder Fix: Make sure the file /wp-content/uploads/css/universal.css is taken into consideration for minification as it's among the files that aren't minified by default
* Combine Google Fonts: The plugin checks if the option is enabled before using specific functions related to it, thus reducing the usage of more resources (on some shared hosting packages, the page returned 503 error)
* Combine JS: Skip adding inline JS with WordPress Nonces as they are not unique and add up to the disk space (better accuracy in detecting them)
* Added notification to the plugin's top right area if "Test Mode" is enabled (for extra awareness)
* Fix: In some environments, the plugin's custom functions to detect if the user is logged-in were triggering errors
* Fix: Do not alter the "ver" value to the default WordPress version (as it used to be) as some scripts should be loaded without query strings especially if "ver" was set to null on purpose
* Made sure a directory exists before attempting to delete it (for old directories) to avoid any error reports (harmless, but annoying) from plugins such as "Fatal Error Notify Pro"
* Updated notification related to HTTP/2 from Combine CSS/JS tabs within "Settings"
* If the total files from the caching directory generated by the combined CSS/JS files occupy over 1 GB in disk space, deactivate automatically the appending of the inline CSS/JS code associated with the tags to the generated combined CSS/JS files as that's usually the culprit for having so many redundant files in the caching directory, leading to unnecessary disk space
* Older caching files are by default set to be cleared after 4 days (the new default value) instead of 7
* Updated "Help" page
* Show more information about the caching directory in "Tools" -> "Storage Info" (each directory with CSS/JS files is shown along with the total size of the assets within it)
* WP Rocket 3.7+ compatibility fix: "Minify HTML" is removed (read more: Get rid of Minify HTML option · Issue #2682 · wp-media/wp-rocket), thus, make sure this gets verified (for compatibility reasons) as well in Asset CleanUp Pro
* Shorten the file name of the combined CSS/JS to avoid possible duplicates
* Fix possible errors (400 Bad Request) when AJAX calls are made by Asset CleanUp Pro
* Check if Cloudflare is used and notify the user about whether it's needed to enable "CDN: Rewrite assets URLs" (read more: What's the purpose of "CDN: Rewrite assets URLs" option? - Asset CleanUp Pro: Documentation)