Asset CleanUp Pro Performance WordPress Plugin

Download Asset CleanUp Pro Performance WordPress Plugin from nulled fire. Asset CleanUp Pro prevent Chosen Scripts & Styles from loading to reduce HTTP Requests.
* Improvement: Make it more clear where the admin is applying the plugin unload rules (frontend or /wp-admin/) in "Plugins Manager" by renaming the text related to the rules as well as the submit button
* Improvement: Alert the admin in case he/she might be in the wrong tab for plugin unload in "Plugins Manager" when the "wp-admin" string is added to the RegEx rules and the admin is within the "IN FRONTEND VIEW (your visitors)" tab
* Make sure only Asset CleanUp Pro plugin is loading when its own AJAX calls are made to /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php for faster processing (no point of loading other plugins) except the request when the caching is cleared (e.g. due to WP hooks that are used by other performance plugins)
* For easier debugging, the top admin bar menu now has the list of all the unloaded plugins and CSS/JS files within the current viewed page
* Prevent Asset CleanUp Pro from triggering when REST /wp-json/ calls are made due to conflicts with other plugins (e.g. Thrive Ovation for testimonials)
* Added a note below the textarea where the RegEx rule can be added (for unloading & load exceptions) that multiple RegExes are allowed one per line to make the admin aware of this option
* If an unload exception is chosen (after an existing unload rule has already been chosen), mark it with green font to easily distinguish it when going through the CSS/JS manager
* Cache Enabler: Clear plugin's caching right after Asset CleanUp Pro's caching is cleared to avoid references in the old cached HTML pages to files from Asset CleanUp Pro that might be missing or not relevant anymore
* Cache Enabler: Fix - PHP Deprecated: "cache_enabler_before_store" (the new filter is "cache_enabler_page_contents_before_store")
* Fix: Sometimes, admins are mistakenly moving the CSS/JS manager to the right side of the edit post/page area; It gets moved back where it belongs within the edit post/page area
* Fix: Update for 'Compatibility with "Wordpress Admin Theme - WPShapere" plugin' - make sure it applies to any admin page, not just the options page from WPShapere
* New Feature: Unload plugins within the Dashboard /wp-admin/ (useful for pages that are too slow and, in rare cases, to fix any conflicts between two plugins loaded on the same admin page)
* Fix: Inline CSS for specified files was not working anymore if the CSS file was cached
* Added option to prevent CSS/JS from being optimized on page load by Asset CleanUp Pro via query string for debugging purposes: (/?wpacu_no_optimize_css /?wpacu_no_inline_css /?wpacu_no_optimize_js)
* Replaced jQuery deprecated code with a new one (e.g. reported by "Enable jQuery Migrate Helper" plugin)
* Download file based on the browser's screen size feature addition: Show the option also for CSS files that are "parents" and have "children" under them, alerting the admin to be careful when a rule is set for the file as it could affect the way its "children" are loaded
* Debugging option: If the admin uses /?wpacu_only_load_plugins=[list_here_comma_separated] while he/she's logged-in, then Asset CleanUp's MU plugin file will only load the mentioned plugins (all the other active plugins will not load at all on the targeted page)