Asset CleanUp Pro Performance WordPress Plugin

Download Asset CleanUp Pro Performance WordPress Plugin from nulled fire. Asset CleanUp Pro prevent Chosen Scripts & Styles from loading to reduce HTTP Requests.
* Combine CSS/JS "Apply combination only for logged-in administrator (for debugging purposes)" is no longer available and has been replaced with two options: "Apply it only for guest visitors (default)" & "Apply it for all visitors (not recommended)"
* "Overview" new options: 1) Added option to remove all load exceptions for a handle in "Overview" page when the load exceptions are not tied to any bulk unload rule; 2) Clear redundant unload rules if the site-wide rule is already applied
* WP Rocket compatibility: Make sure HTML changes made by Asset CleanUp Pro are always applied (via "rocket_buffer" filter hook) before WP Rocket saves the HTML content to the cached file
* Fix: Make sure the plugin's own style is properly loaded asynchronously in Firefox in any of the plugin's configuration (this was causing the CSS/JS manager to be unstyled in Mozilla Firefox)
* Critical CSS can be implemented conditionally via "wpacu_critical_css" filter / Read more: Critical CSS: How to implement it to completely reduce render-blocking stylesheets - Asset CleanUp Pro: Documentation / This is very helpful in completely preventing render-blocking CSS from loading in a page, thus improving the user experience & the page score in tools such as Google PageSpeed Insights
* Compatibility with Ronneby Theme: Alter the style/script tag later (e.g. by appending plugin markers) after plugins such as "Ronneby Core" alter it (in this case it prevents the URLs from the LINK tags to be stripped)
* When listing dependencies in the CSS JS managing list (e.g. the "children" of a "parent"), show the unloaded ones in the red font; Dependency handles are linked as anchors for easier navigation between them
* Fix: When listing plugins in "Plugins" page and Asset CleanUp Pro is eligible for an update, change the "Update" link and explain to the admin that the page will be reloaded to make sure the connection to the remote server is made and no "Plugin update failed" messages are shown anymore as it happened in some hosting environments
* Fix: Prevent any undefined constant "LOGGED_IN_COOKIE" errors (in case it's not set, as it happens in some WordPress setups) in case rules for logged-in users are set in "Plugins Manager"
* New option: Hide "Asset CleanUp Pro" menu from the Dashboard (left sidebar) for any reason (e.g. have a cleaner sidebar menu area because of too many elements added up or you do not want it to be too obtrusive to the client for which you’ve done some optimization)
* If a script has "children" and it's about to be asynched or deferred, then a confirmation message about potential issues will show up
* If an asset is already minified, then its SHA1 value will be stored in the database for later reference to avoid minifying it (and use extra resources) for comparison in a future minify process
* Fix: Properly verify assets' SRC that are starting with ../ (very rare cases) to avoid errors such as the unreachable one; Higher accuracy in detecting the hostname in case the plugin is used on staging environments such as the SiteGround's one
* Fix: Gave up the inclusion of /wp-includes/pluggable.php everywhere which generated conflicts with other plugins such as "Post SMTP Mailer/Email Log" (wp_mail() overwritten) and went for a custom solution instead
* Fix: In very rare cases get_option('active_plugins', array()) is returning duplicated values (e.g. altered via a hook by a different plugin)
* Fix: Fix: Make sure load exceptions for taxonomy, author, search results, date & 404 pages are properly applied: for guests & the admin in any situation