Astra Premium Sites 4.2.4

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Download Astra Premium Sites 4.2.4 from nulled fire. Conversion optimized websites made with Astra and your favorite page builders.
- Improvement: Added backward compatibility for filter `wp_check_filetype_and_ext` which accepts 5 parameter after WordPress version 5.1.
- Improvement: Added support for the WPForms plugin.
- Improvement: Improved logic to download images in the Elementor templates.
- Improvement: Added description of the Agency sites when license is not activated.
- Fix: Incorrect images was set after batch process complete.
* Fix: Gutenberg render markup is invalid due to encoded characterless e.g. <, > are decoded into HTML tag.
* Improvement: Display a maintenance message if the Astra Sites API is unreachable.
* Fix: EventSource abort the import process if default charset is not UTF-8.