Astra Premium Sites 4.4.2

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Download Astra Premium Sites 4.4.2 from nulled fire. Conversion optimized websites made with Astra and your favorite page builders.
* Improvements: Updated processing button animation while installation/activating plugin and importing site.
* Improvements: Updated suggestion box message.
* Fix: PHP fatal errors for WXR importer classes `WXR_Import_Info`, `WXR_Importer`, `WP_Importer_Logger_ServerSentEvents` and `WP_Importer_Logger`.
* Improvements: Some users reported confusion in the default option of choosing page builder. We have made UX improvements so users now must select the Page Builder first before selecting any website.
* New: Added filter `astra_sites_xml_import_options` to change the XML import options.
* Fix: Astra Pro plugin 'Custom Layouts' & 'Page Headers' not setting right display location due to different page, tax, category ids.
* Fix: WooCommerce shop, checkout cart page ids not setting issue.
* Fix: After site import updated demo url from the nav menus.