Astra Pro - Extend Astra Theme With the Pro Addon 4.6.9

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Download Astra Pro - Extend Astra Theme With the Pro Addon 4.6.9 from nulled fire. Astra Pro is all in one plugin that extends the theme and adds more features
- Improvement: If a menu item has a #link, the menu will automatically be closed.
- Fix: Transparent header menu and submenu colors not applied for menus in above header and below header.
- Fix: Increased z-inde of sticky header so that it does not go under any otherpage elements.
- Fix: Sticky header background color not being applied when sticky header is enabled using page meta only.
- Fix: PHP Fatal error in LearnDadh distraction-free learning mode.
- New: Color options for Sticky Above, Below and Primary Header.
- New: Color options for transparent header are now responsive.
- New: Submenu color options for transparent headers.
- New: Shortcodes for LifterLMS and LearnDash profile link - [astra_lifterlms_profile_link] and [astra_learndash_profile_link] respectively.
- Improvement: Add alpha color picker for all the color options in customizer.
- Fix: Flyout menu navigation overflowing outside the flyout container.
- Fix: Inline logo and title does not work if custom menu item is set to be outside.
- Fix: Excerpt length from Elementor Pro's widgets not working due to filter in Astra.