- NEW: Added possibility to update bundled premium plugins outside of theme updates
- NEW: Updated Fusion White Label Branding Plugin To Latest Version As of Release Date
- NEW: Updated Advanced Custom Fields Pro Plugin To Latest Version As of Release Date
- NEW: Updated Convert Plus Plugin To Latest Version As of Release Date
- NEW: Updated Slider Revolution Plugin To Latest Version As of Release Date
- NEW: Updated Layer Slider Plugin To Latest Version As of Release Date
- NEW: It is now possible to link to a single tab directly, when using a smooth scroll anchor link on the same page
- IMPROVEMENT: Integrated the styling of featured events for The Events Calendar plugin
- IMPROVEMENT: Rendering of images in gallery element preview optimized when using a lot of images
- IMPROVEMENT: Cached queries are no longer language agnostic, to improve compatibility with mem cache plugins
- IMPROVEMENT: Updated error notices popup on plugin installation page for better UX
- IMPROVEMENT: Removed the Convert Plus registration nag to free admin pages from clutter
- IMPROVEMENT: Fusion Builder CPT now hidden from the link selector options for easier navigation
- FIXED: Added nonce check for Fusion Slider exports, so slider export can't be downloaded outside of backend
- FIXED: Spacing issue inside vertical timeline content boxes, when box title is linked
- FIXED: page contents height sometimes being too large when using parallax Fusion Slider together with parallax footer
- FIXED: Icon unboxed mode not working correctly in FAQ element
- FIXED: Indentation issue and missing arrows on vertical menu widget when using custom menu
- FIXED: Gallery element not being rendered when there is a URL scheme mismatch between actual URLS and site URL in WP settings
- FIXED: WooCommerce equal height products not working correctly in IE11
- FIXED: Content area being misaligned on WooCommerce MyAccount page when horizontal tabs layout is used
- FIXED: Compatibility issue with YITH WooCommerce Pre Order Premium plugin on single products page
- FIXED: Menu items linking to an anchor on same page not highlighted correctly in mobile menus when page is scrolled
- FIXED: Sticky header height calcs being incorrect when using very small headers and no sticky animation
- FIXED: Smooth scroll to anchor not working when header is turned off in Fusion Page Options
- FIXED: Content behind overlay moving up under certain circumstances when mobile flyout menu is used
- FIXED: Fusion Builder sticky button being labeled "Publish" even on a private post where it should be "Update" instead
- FIXED: Fusion Builder sticky update buttons getting added to WP dashboard when activity widget is used
- FIXED: Positioning issue of titles on single posts page on RTL setups
- FIXED: Image element not being able to render all foreign image file names, due to encoding
- FIXED: Portfolio using fusion-builder text domain instead of fusion-core
- FIXED: Small admin links separator showing on first post of bbPress topics when logged out
- FIXED: Minor styling issue with form inputs on iOS
- FIXED: Countdown element weeks default option value not being correctly shown in backend
- FIXED: "Imported" label in importer not being AJAX updated
- FIXED: Slider Revolution attachment not being correctly deleted, when a demo containing such a slider is removed
- FIXED: onYouTubeIframeAPIReady() function being called even if YouTube scripts are turned off in Theme Options
- FIXED: Rare issue with Fusion Builder global elements causing memory issue, if the template id was missing
- FIXED: Side header with sticky header enabled on mobile cannot scroll menu
- FIXED: Portfolio lightbox gallery not working correctly when set to show post images only, and All filter is deactivated
- NEW: 3 New Professionally Designed Demos
- NEW: Added Advanced Custom Fields Pro plugin to our set of bundled premium plugins
- NEW: Added Fusion White Label Branding plugin to our set of bundled premium plugins
- NEW: Added Convert Plus plugin to our set of bundled premium plugins
- NEW: Added a Fusion Builder element for Convert Plus plugin
- NEW: Updated Layer Slider Plugin To Latest Version As of Release Date
- NEW: Updated Slider Revolution Plugin To Latest Version As of Release Date
- NEW: Added sliding bar link hover color setting to Theme Options
- IMPROVEMENT: Related posts with fixed image size mode now make full use of responsive image setup
- IMPROVEMENT: Updated a few database queries that were not following WP coding standards
- IMPROVEMENT: Added new option to Fusion Slider to choose scroll down arrow or nav bullets, to avoid overlapping
- IMPROVEMENT: Fusion Slider now also showing in preview mode of scheduled posts
- IMPROVEMENT: Updated multiple featured image class to make meta box appearance the same across browsers if no image is yet chosen
- IMPROVEMENT: Updated links on Fusion Builder add-ons page to SSL
- IMPROVEMENT: Gallery pre-selection is now available on already created gallery elements
- IMPROVEMENT: Updated several descriptions to improve option explanations
- FIXED: 100% height scrolling sections being cut off on mobile, even if the 100% height option is disabled
- FIXED: Blog pagination not being able to go beyond 5 pages
- FIXED: Sliding bar icon on header v6 being visible, even if sliding bar was disabled
- FIXED: Compatibility issues with plugins adding custom fields to checkout page
- FIXED: Demo import only working for primary language when using WPML
- FIXED: Demo import failing when mbstring PHP extension is not loaded
- FIXED: Link selector in different Fusion Builder elements not working correctly in Firefox
- FIXED: Backend compatibility issue with Yoast SEO when horizontal menu widget is used in page contents
- FIXED: Arrow highlight indicator not working, when main menu item consists of an icon only
- FIXED: Dedicated sticky header menu not working for header v6
- FIXED: Vimeo video not pausing when moving to next frame in lightbox
- FIXED: Fusion Taxonomy Options for WooCommerce product archives not working correctly
- FIXED: A few styling issues in the vertical menu widget
- FIXED: Javascript error and rendering issue, when using elements with lightbox option where a sub element misses image
- FIXED: Styling issues on RTL setups for the tab element
- FIXED: Icon / heading alignment issue in content boxes element when using vertical timeline layout
- FIXED: Drop shadow not correctly working with zoom in/ zoom out image hover effects
- FIXED: Bottom shadow not correctly displayed on person element if image lift up hover type is chosen
- FIXED: Blog element padding setting from Theme Options not applied as default value for blog elements
- FIXED: Equal heights setting in containers causing height issue when using the Events Calendar element
- FIXED: Anchor scrolling on mobile not working correctly when triggered through sub-menu items
- FIXED: Facebook widget no correctly resizing with the available space in wrapping container
- FIXED: Fusion Taxonomy Options slider setting incorrectly copied to category pages from main shop page (upgrade fix only)
- FIXED: Popularity setting in tabs widget not working correctly for non English languages
- FIXED: Stored padding values for a few elements not being correctly read into the Fusion Builder settings popup
- FIXED: Social icons widget conditional options only working after widget was saved for the first time
- FIXED: PHP notice in social icon class if no title was set for custom icons
- FIXED: Blank page template alignment issue when using side header and sticky footer
- FIXED: Smooth anchor scrolling not respecting mobile sticky header when used on side header desktop layouts
- FIXED: Theme Option remote media warning notice showing on all admin pages
- FIXED: Overlay issue under certain circumstances when switching between shortcode generator and Fusion Builder
- NEW: 100% width option added to WooCommerce single product pages
- NEW: Added the new tabs functionality to the Facebook widget
- NEW: Updated Layer Slider Plugin To Latest Version As of Release Date
- NEW: Updated Slider Revolution Plugin To Latest Version As of Release Date
- NEW: Added a filter for developers for 100% width template check in header.php
- IMPROVEMENT: Email generated by the Avada contact page form are now RTL ready
- IMPROVEMENT: Version number comparison for auto updates to make sure update notice disappears correctly
- IMPROVEMENT: Made sure that bold and strong tags use same font-weight across browsers
- IMPROVEMENT: Fusion Cache reset confirmation box now uses standard alert box for easier usage
- IMPROVEMENT: Updated some option descriptions for better usability
- IMPROVEMENT: "Insert from URL" option in media uploader is now available for the Text Block element
- FIXED: Setting sidebar to "No Sidebar" in Fusion Page Options not working correctly for posts
- FIXED: Mega menu background images having 1px gap on the side for certain setups
- FIXED: Side header background color hiding background image on archive pages that don't use Fusion Taxonomy Options
- FIXED: Smooth scroll issue when using portfolio element with infinite scroll / load more button
- FIXED: Sliding bar always being open when used on right side of viewport together with smooth scroll
- FIXED: Compatibility issue with the Events Calendar shortcode for photo view, causing a JS error
- FIXED: Skype phone link not working correctly in Social Links widget
- FIXED: Avada Menu Options not being correctly saved when used in WP Customizer
- FIXED: Custom templates imported in Fusion Builder having an extra line break in text editor
- FIXED: Dedicated redirection link in Login element working even if a login error occurred (no security issue)
- FIXED: Images not showing for blog grid/masonry layouts, if excerpt length is set to 0 and also title and all meta data is hidden
- FIXED: Styling for WooCommerce search fields in select boxes
- FIXED: Images added to WooCommerce single product pages not being opened in lightbox, if corresponding Theme Options is active
- FIXED: Compatibility issue with WooCommerce Checkout Add-Ons plugin
- FIXED: Quotation marks not working in the contact form
- FIXED: bbPress plugin activation through importer causing import not working on first attempt
- FIXED: Rounding bug for navigation typography letter spacing in Theme Options
- FIXED: Link on demo import failure notice, so it correctly goes to System Status tab
- FIXED: Theme Option dependency description reading "Page Option" even for Fusion Builder Options
- FIXED: Compatibility issue on AJAX completion events with Fancy Product Designer plugin
- FIXED: New 5.3 demos not being available in the Fusion Builder single page imports
- FIXED: Facebook widget not being responsive on browser window resize
- FIXED: Encoding issue for some user inputs to elements using raw_textarea field, leading to element edit screen not being opened
- FIXED: Issue with WP category widget not loading selected category page
- FIXED: Two menus showing in mobile flyout menu, when a separate sticky menu is used
- FIXED: RTL issue with center aligned font awesome icons
- FIXED: RTL issue with blog element and large alternative layout
- FIXED: Compatibility issue with WP 4.6.8
- FIXED: Added compatibility with Borlabs cache plugin