Version 5.1 - March 12th, 2017
- NEW: 5 New Professionally Designed Demos
- NEW: WCAG 2.0 Accessibility Compatibility
- NEW: New Menu Highlight Arrow Option
- NEW: New Menu Highlight Boxed Background Option
- NEW: New Main Menu Icon Theme Option Panel
- NEW: New Main Menu Icon Position Option (Top/Right/Bottom/Left)
- NEW: New Main Menu Icon Size Option
- NEW: New Main Menu Icon Color Option
- NEW: New Main Menu Icon Hover Color Option
- NEW: New Mega Menu Thumbnail Size For Images
- NEW: New Logo Background Color Option for headers v1, v2, v3, v6, v7 and side headers
- NEW: Avada Menus Now Support Menu Descriptions in the WP native menu settings
- NEW: Avada Menu Options In Appearance > Menu Are Now Better Organized With A Single Button That Opens The Options In A Window
- NEW: New Boxed Mode Top/Bottom Offset
- NEW: New Boxed Mode Offset Scroll Layout: Framed or Full Scrolling
- NEW: New Boxed Mode Shadow Type (light/medium/hard)
- NEW: New Zoom Capability For WooCommerce (Avada's style + default WooCommerce)
- NEW: WooCommerce 2.7 compatibility
- NEW: New Toggle Boxed Mode Option
- NEW: New Toggle Border Width Option
- NEW: New Toggle Border Color Option
- NEW: New Toggle Background Color Option
- NEW: New Toggle Background Hover Color Option
- NEW: New Toggle Inactive Box Color Option
- NEW: New Toggle Active Box Color
- NEW: Fusion Builder allows <!--nextpage--> usage (was accidentally already added to Avada 5.0 changelog)
- NEW: New Bulk Media Upload For Slider And Image Carousel elements
- NEW: Google AMP Plugin Support (although this also worked on 5.0.6, just to avoid confusion)
- NEW: Now The Entire Featured Image Rollover Links To Single Post
- NEW: Updated Layer Slider Plugin To Latest Version As of Release Date
- NEW: Updated Slider Revolution Plugin To Latest Version As of Release Date
- NEW: Performance Improvement option to choose if one combined and minified JavaScript file should be loaded or several (for HTTP/2.0)
- NEW: WP 4.7+ compatibility updates
- NEW: Compatibility with Sermon Manager 2.0
- NEW: Counter Box element can now use decimal numbers
- NEW: Added all the available W3TC plugin CSS and JS include hooks
- NEW: Better Organization For Avada & Fusion Builder Menus In WP Admin
- NEW: Theme and element options for the widget area element
- NEW: Avada Patcher is now called Fusion Patcher
- NEW: Fusion Patcher Now Displays Patches For Each Product (Avada, Fusion Builder, Fusion Core)
- NEW: Fusion Patcher Now Displays A Counter Circle For Available Patches
- NEW: Demo Imports Are Now Compatible With PHP 5.2
- NEW: Added option to portfolio element to show/hide URL parameter for category sensitive sorting on single posts pages
- NEW: Added support for Facebook Instant Articles plugin
- NEW: Organizational Improvements To Avada Welcome Screen
- NEW: New FAQ Tab For Avada Welcome Screen
- NEW: Blog Element Now Combines All Pagination Options Into One Set
- NEW: Automatic database transient cleanup tasks for optimal performance
- NEW: Using new jQuery appear library to avoid conflicts with Slider Revolution
- NEW: Major Improvements For The Fusion Builder API Via New Filters & Action Hooks
- NEW: New Fusion Page Option Filters & Action Hooks
- NEW: It's now easier to override fusion builder elements
- NEW: Show full element controls for Fusion Builder containers in backend, when the container is closed
- NEW: All element related code, styles, scripts, options etc. won't be loaded if an element is disabled
- NEW: Fusion Builder single demo pages are automatically updated now on theme update and also periodically
- NEW: Each demo has been re-exported for option setup
- NEW: Fusion Builder & Fusion Core Plugins Are Now Offloaded
- NEW: Filter Added To Allow WOFF2 Upload Automatically
- NEW: Lightbox element can open videos
- NEW: Lightbox element now also available in main Fusion Builder
- NEW: Avada CPTs are moved to Fusion Core plugin, incl. all needed assets and templates
- NEW: WooCommerce placeholder image is now available on the shop page
- IMPROVED: On System Status page only the last 3 versions will be shown now, to avoid clutter
- IMPROVED: Removed IE8 compatibility for performance improvements
- IMPROVED: Cloned elements in Fusion Builder are positioned directly below the original ones now
- IMPROVED: Fusion Builder generator now loads elements tab before the nested columns tab now
- IMPROVED: Fusion Builder element toolbar now uses a background color for better usability
- IMPROVED: Updated Styling For Options That Are Set To Off for Clarity
- IMPROVED: Updated several option names and descriptions to make usage easier
- IMPROVED: Fusion Builder single page template imports
- IMPROVED: Added number of posts option for carousel layout of portfolio element
- IMPROVED: Added a default option for animation settings in content boxes, so that parent settings can be used throughout
- IMPROVED: Made sure that Patcher and System Status values show same requirements
- IMPROVED: Custom Font names in Theme Options upload can now contain spaces
- IMPROVED: Made sure that "permalink" is not considered a keyword in SEO plugins and search engines
- IMPROVED: Using wc_get_checkout_page() function now for checkout page linking
- IMPROVED: Sliding bar is deactivated by default on new theme installs
- IMPROVED: Better usage of available space in top header for email and phone number on mobiles
- IMPROVED: Dynamic CSS cache is now cleared on Theme Options import and color preset change
- IMPROVED: On demo imports the site logos are now directly imported to the media library
- IMPROVED: WPML footer language switcher is now included in the footer parallax layout
- IMPROVED: Removed 2 slow SHOW TABLES db queries
- IMPROVED: Theme Options for database caching and compiling CSS are combined now to avoid confusion
- IMPROVED: Fusion Slider and Elastic Slider items are removed from search results page
- IMPROVED: Block quote elements has now increased top/bottom margin to stand out better
- IMPROVED: Removed 'Install Plugins', 'Header' and 'Background' menu entries under 'Appearance' menu to avoid confusion
- IMPROVED: Events Calendar Single Sidebar Layout section in Theme Options was moved below the Events Calendar main section
- IMPROVED: Made sure that the background is faded the same amount for all kind of modal overlays in backend to improve usability
- IMPROVED: Other improvements & fixes to the codebase for overall enhancements and maintainability
- UPDATED: Select2 script library to version 4.0.3
- UPDATED: Tooltip of YouTube social media icon was updated to correct branding
- FIXED: Javascript code being added to the System Status report
- FIXED: WooCommerce ordering boxes not always showing
- FIXED: WooCommerce after add to cart button closing markup missing
- FIXED: Compatibility issue with Fancy Product Designer plugin on WooCommerce order page
- FIXED: Compatibility issue with YITH Ajax Product Filter plugin for WooCommerce
- FIXED: Gravity Form Merg Tags not working
- FIXED: Gravity Forms dropdown styling issue for dynamically / conditionally displayed drop downs
- FIXED: A few alignment issues in Theme Options for RTL sites
- FIXED: Issue with login redirection if specific ports are used
- FIXED: Make main menu anchors work correctly also on search page of one page sites
- FIXED: Login/register/password elements not using Theme Options button size setting
- FIXED: Issue with slider height on scrolling when using Fusion Slider on an Android device
- FIXED: Section separator overlap issue on Android devices
- FIXED: Display issue with Fusion Slider full screen parallax layout
- FIXED: Fatal error during short code conversion when WPML is used
- FIXED: Fusion Page Options not changeable on translated pages when using WPML
- FIXED: Header Tagline Theme Option setting missing for side header layouts
- FIXED: Menu item padding of value 0 not working
- FIXED: Password form fields not being styled for all elements
- FIXED: Additional fix for background images and overlay colors on containers
- FIXED: JavaScript error on page edit screen when using invalid values in Theme Options
- FIXED: Responsive typography not working for blog titles on archive pages that use AJAX loading
- FIXED: Breadcrumbs title issue on Events Calendar archive pages
- FIXED: Issue on some servers when uploading WOFF or WOFF" fonts in Theme Options
- FIXED: Styling issue on mobiles for the Events Calendar Filter Bar add-on
- FIXED: pagination not working when using offset in portfolio element
- FIXED: Infinite scrolling / load more button not working for portfolio items if only set in Theme Options and using Default on the element itself
- FIXED: Double mobile menu and logo when using header v7 and custom sticky menu
- FIXED: Import issue of images for shop demos
- FIXED: Patcher notices not disappearing, even if permissions issue was resolved
- FIXED: Sub-sub-menus not always being correctly aligned on RTL sites
- FIXED: Legacy issue with sidebars not always being deletable when created with older theme versions
- FIXED: First testimonial inside a modal window flowing over
- FIXED: Scrollbar not being shown when using portfolio element and a filter that has not enough elements visible to enable scrolling on page load
- FIXED: Search results page template changing to 100% width if first search result uses that template
- FIXED: Images overflowing image frame elements in IE11
- FIXED: Empty column height calculation for background images in empty columns not being correct in IE11
- FIXED: a few header display issues on IE9 for headers v6 and v7
- FIXED: Sticky header not working on tablets when deactivated for mobiles on certain tablet sizes
- FIXED: Page title bar contents being misaligned on mobiles
- FIXED: Upgrade issue with theme versions prior to 4.0
- FIXED: Icons on top of counters in counter boxes element not being fully centered
- FIXED: Fusion Builder child elements not editable when using very large browser font size
- FIXED: Compatibility issue between Avada backend menu and User Role Editor plugin
- FIXED: Image carousel element images overflowing bottom border when lift up hover effect is used
- FIXED: Author page email address being double anit spam encoded, which led to an error
- FIXED: Fusion Builder throwing PHP notice when a CPT edit screen is used that does not have an editor
- FIXED: Borders not being correct for columns that use background images and lift up hover effect
- FIXED: Fusion Builder generator disappearing in some cases from visual editor toolbar
- FIXED: positioning issue with WPML langugae switcher flags on mobile menu
- FIXED: Horizontal menu widget active menu item not following hover color
- FIXED: Title element breaking in backend in certain cases when a hashtag (#) is used as part of the heading
- FIXED: Counter circle element inside of tabs element not working correctly
- FIXED: Division by zero PHP warning in section separator element for some setups
- FIXED: Button element preview being incorrect for certain old button short codes
- FIXED: Content box title hover color not always being correct on touch device
- FIXED: Container element name in backend showing & instead of &
- FIXED: Color pickers not being displayed correctly for all color choices
- FIXED: Translation issue with the Avada style twitter widget
- FIXED: Visibility option not working in tabs element
- FIXED: A few PHP7 warning notices
- FIXED: PHP notices for older PHP versions