Version 5.0.3 - November 2nd, 2016
- NEW: Updated Slider Revolution
- NEW: Updated Layer Slider
- NEW: Updated Font Awesome to 4.7
- NEW: Columns can now use both, background color and background image, to create overlay effects with rgba colors
- NEW: Opacity slider added to background colors for nested columns
- NEW: Added possibility and notice for manually applying patches on restrictive hosting plans
- IMPROVEMENT: updated several option descriptions for better user experience
- IMPROVEMENT: moved Fusion Builder migration reversion to the Avada System Status tab
- IMPROVEMENT: added fallback for column padding option if no unit is used
- IMPROVEMENT: premium plugin download for very restrictive hosting plans
- IMPROVEMENT: main menu hightlightbar size can now be set up to 40px
- IMPROVEMENT: additional backend script files are now loaded in footer
- IMPROVEMENT: portfolio items with a video are now also shown, when placeholders are deactivated
- IMPROVEMENT: center column option is now also working without using equal height option
- IMPROVEMENT: added compatibility with HHVM
- IMPROVEMENT: consistency for 0 and -1 values for posts per page option for portfolio and blog elements
- IMPROVEMENT: all shortcodes (also 3rd party ones) can be processed when changing from editor to builder now
- FIXED: missing thumbnails for post slider attachment layout
- FIXED: missing setting for currency position in Fusion Builder for pricing tables
- FIXED: title element not respecting visibility options
- FIXED: code block element modifying double quotation marks
- FIXED: animations not working for columns that use an image hover type
- FIXED: issue where custom names for containers were lost on saving the page
- FIXED: conversion not working for post excerpts
- FIXED: font previews in Theme Options for standard fonts
- FIXED: issue with prev/next navigation in portfolio items for Polylang
- FIXED: portfolio element not respecting default image size from Theme Options
- FIXED: issue with empty text block elements not being converted correctly from editor to builder
- FIXED: Classic shop demo missing from Fusion Builder demo imports
- FIXED: animations not working for nested columns
- FIXED: slider and accordion element opening tags not being correctly converted to new names
- FIXED: right side header for RTL having styling issues
- FIXED: issue with site width in percentage and nested columns
- FIXED: modern mobile menu not being hidden when no menu is assigned
- FIXED: auto updates not working from themes page
- FIXED: some Fusion Builder elements using old textdomains
- FIXED: mobile sticky header logo not working on header v7
- FIXED: chosen google font not being used correctly on frontend
- FIXED: compatibility issue with simple google adsense insertion plugin
- FIXED: compatibilizy issue with Ecwid plugin
- FIXED: mobile layout issue with bbPress replies
- FIXED: boder color missing from default button in tagline element
- FIXED: WooCommerce element in generator not working the same as in Fusion Builder
- FIXED: styling issue with WooCommerce add to cart shortcode
- FIXED: compatibility issue with YITH WooCommerce Request a Quote
- FIXED: compatibility issue with YITH Multi Vendor
- FIXED: widget list arrow misaligned for WooCommerce Category Widget
- FIXED: My Account and Cart menu items not being highlighted on corresponding pages
- FIXED: imageframe element not always using correct image size
- FIXED: testimonials random display option not working
- FIXED: minor conversion issue with self enclosing shortcodes
- FIXED: conversion issue for nested columns
- FIXED: conversion issue with pricing tables