Avada - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme 7.11.13

Download Avada - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme 7.11.13 from nulled fire. Avada is the #1 selling WordPress theme on the market.
- NEW: Added possibility to dynamically trigger and populate Modal elements (e.g. for Post Card element)
- NEW: Added a filter for more control over additional link attributes
- IMPROVEMENT: Patcher will now only be loaded on back-end, improving compatibility and performance
- IMPROVEMENT: Refactored method of reading and filtering 3rd party CSS files for enqueuing to Avada's compiled CSS
- FIXED: Uploaded custom fonts being loaded as Google fonts when used in page contents
- FIXED: Mega menus not correctly loading, when several menu elements using mega menus are on the same page
- FIXED: Mega menu hover transition not always being correct
- FIXED: Mega menu first level items having wrong font family and color, when mega menu titles are disabled
- FIXED: Table searches on back-end pages not working
- FIXED: Compatibility issue with Polylang plugin causing a fatal error on the front-end
- FIXED: PHP notice occurring when Polylang is active but no languages have been added
- FIXED: Empty column height being sometimes wrong when using a background image
- FIXED: Custom icon set social media icons not working correctly
- FIXED: RSS icon and female testimonial avatar missing from Avada's icon font
- FIXED: Events Calendar single events sidebar items being incorrectly aligned
- FIXED: Sidebar JS script not correctly loaded on single events pages of Events Calendar, when metadata is in sidebar
- FIXED: Form logics and fields data being empty
- FIXED: Form entries pagination not working
- FIXED: Title highlight/rotation animation not working, if below it there is another title element using element animation
- FIXED: Icon padding being incorrect in sub-menus, when megamenu is turned off in Global Options
- FIXED: Avada Core plugin causing a fatal error when being active without Avada Builder or Avada
- FIXED: Minor styling issue of the theme Sharing Box
- FIXED: Title separator spacer missing from a few automatically added headings
- FIXED: PHP notice in class-fusion-searchform.php
- FIXED: WooCommerce product gallery image width being different in Firefox when left or right thumb navigation is used
- FIXED: Click mode not working in Vertical Menu widget
- FIXED: A few RTL issues in the back-end UI
- NEW PERFORMANCE: Added a performance wizard to easily optimize all site settings, including recommendations for best results
- NEW PERFORMANCE: Added an engine to create critical CSS (CSS only used above the fold) to remove render-blocking CSS
- NEW PERFORMANCE: Added option to skip image lazy loading for specific images, having them preloaded by the browser for faster above the fold rendering
- NEW PERFORMANCE: Added an icon scanner to find FontAwesome icons and allow for easier replacement with a custom icon font
- NEW PERFORMANCE: Added an option to enable Gzip compression (on servers that support it)
- NEW PERFORMANCE: Added an option to load jQuery in the footer
- NEW PERFORMANCE: Added an option for facade/preview image loading in YouTube and Vimeo elements
- NEW PERFORMANCE: Added an option to set device type visibility for the Page Option slider
- NEW PERFORMANCE: Added an option to turn off legacy button presets
- NEW PERFORMANCE: Added assets from several 3rd party plugins, like WooCommerce, The Events Calendar, bbPress to our compilers for better performance
- NEW PERFORMANCE: Added Avada's own device detection library for all kids of internal checks
- PERFORMANCE: Removed the jQuery.waypoint JS library completely
- PERFORMANCE: Removed the jQuery.appear JS library completely
- PERFORMANCE: Removed the jQuery.cycle JS library completely
- PERFORMANCE: Removed the jQuery.hoverIntent JS library completely
- PERFORMANCE: Removed the jQuery.hoverFlow JS library completely
- PERFORMANCE: Removed the jQuery.niceScroll JS library completely to replace smooth scroll with CSS styling
- PERFORMANCE: Removed the responsive Title element script
- PERFORMANCE: Removed the deactivate mobile image hover script, reducing CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift)
- PERFORMANCE: Removed empty column height and column background dimension scripts from front-end loading
- PERFORMANCE: Removed IE11 support (in line with the upcoming WordPress 5.8)
- PERFORMANCE: Changed some JavaScript event listeners to passive to improve scrolling performance
- PERFORMANCE: Refactored several JS files for better performance
- PERFORMANCE: Fixed CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift) caused by parallax footer feature
- PERFORMANCE: Removed redundant escape function calls
- PERFORMANCE: Split off lightbox skin styles and only load styles for chosen skin
- PERFORMANCE: Separated out JS code for YouTube and Vimeo from different areas, so that code will only load if YouTube/Vimeo scripts are generally enabled
- PERFORMANCE: Made sure sidebar related JS code is only being loaded when page actually uses sidebars
- PERFORMANCE: Added image lazy loading to mega menu background images
- PERFORMANCE: Change loading procedure of mega menus in the Menu element for better loading performance
- PERFORMANCE: Split off WP admin bar menu creation to avoid other admin related functions loading on front-end
- NEW: 1 professionally designed, performance-optimized prebuilt website
- NEW: Added a side header builder
- NEW: Added support to use custom icons (from icon font) for social media icons
- NEW: Added support for all social media sharing networks within the lightbox
- NEW: Added an option to download the icon selection JSON for custom icon sets
- NEW: Added options for gradient text colors in Title element
- NEW: Added an option to Avada Forms date element to set a date format for flatpickr
- NEW: Added an option to set a placeholder text color for Avada Forms
- NEW: Added responsive minimum height options for Container element
- NEW: Added responsive alignment options for Social Links element
- NEW: Added an option for mega menu title justification in Menu element
- NEW: Added a new option to allow setting a custom maximum height for mobile menus in Menu element
- NEW: Added an option for letter spacing on main menu items in Menu element
- NEW: Added an option to allow usage of reCAPTCHA to User Login/Register elements
- IMPROVEMENT: Added additional image size to responsive images sizes attribute for screens with more than 1920px width
- IMPROVEMENT: Avada Forms will now use HubSpot's form API, when submitting forms to HubSpot
- IMPROVEMENT: All features are now available after prebuilt site import, even if not used on that specific site
- IMPROVEMENT: Refactored the patcher classes, so that all parts of Avada can use them shared
- IMPROVEMENT: Refactored the Google font class, to add fewer font variants to body font, and to make sure no unneeded fonts get preloaded
- IMPROVEMENT: Extended new PHP responsive typography initialization to more areas
- IMPROVEMENT: Uploaded files in Avada Forms entries now showing as links, for easier opening
- IMPROVEMENT: Made sure the parallax JS script is not executed on mobile, if not enabled
- IMPROVEMENT: Removed compiled JS file from the builder frame in live editor to improve loading performance
- IMPROVEMENT: Added new actions and filters for better customizability
- IMPROVEMENT: Updated several option descriptions and dependencies for better usability
- UPDATED: Renamed Avada's built-in icon font names from icomoon to awb-icons and awb-admin-icons
- UPDATED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 5.3
- UPDATED: Updated lazySizesscript to latest version
- ACCESSIBILITY: Fixed anchor not having an href issue caused by the anchor scroll feature
- ACCESSIBILITY: Fixed anchor tag being used in Column element markup, if image hover effect is used, even if no link was set
- ACCESSIBILITY: Removed aria-hidden attribute from focusable close button in Alert element
- FIXED: Double slash in custom icon CSS file path
- FIXED: Responsive typography being incorrect in Title element when the sizes get below the minimum font-size
- FIXED: Responsive typography not working for animated text parts in Title element when animation font-size is set
- FIXED: Custom font-size set in Avada Slider not being respected for responsive heading typography
- FIXED: Export of Avada Forms entries not taking unfilled fields into account
- FIXED: Upload field in Avada Forms is not working correctly when multiple files are allowed and POST method is not used
- FIXED: Sliding bar special menu item toggle not being auto-hidden on mobile when the option is disabled in Global Options
- FIXED: Avada Forms reCAPCHTA failing when more than one submission is made during a single page load
- FIXED: Menu element text transform option incorrectly applying to mega menu content
- FIXED: Menu element text hover color not being applied when using a flyout menu and using background images
- FIXED: Menu element mobile menu spacing incorrectly inheriting spacing from main menu
- FIXED: Menu element dropdown indicator being incorrectly positioned when using icon only elements
- FIXED: Carousels not working correctly in mega menus of Menu element
- FIXED: Menu item center positioning not working when using desc text and vertical menu layout in Menu element
- FIXED: Sub-menu box-shadow being applied incorrectly to mega menu sub-menus in Menu element
- FIXED: Not all font styles being applied in mobile menu when icon only option is used in the Menu element
- FIXED: Mega menu title icon spacing being incorrect in Menu element
- FIXED: Spacing between icon and text missing in Menu element, when icons are positioned on top of text
- FIXED: Flyout menu icon active color being applied to the main toggle icon when on a page that is part of the menu
- FIXED: Scroll section links not working correctly when unpublished or conditionally rendered containers are on the same page
- FIXED: WP admin bar height not being respected when using anchor scroll
- FIXED: Lazy loading of background images not correctly working
- FIXED: Custom sticky headers below sliders jumping up when scrolling down in some cases
- FIXED: Page on load being scrolled to Google map when tooltip is opened by default
- FIXED: Number of products option not working correctly in Woo Archive element when set to 0
- FIXED: Icon element default margin being incorrect, when alignment is chosen and icon being displayed inside a flex container
- FIXED: Global elements missing p tags when used in legacy containers
- FIXED: Fixed CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift) issue caused by Avada Forms script on mobiles
- FIXED: Drop-down caret showing on WooCommerce Cart entry, even if cart is empty
- FIXED: WooCommerce multi-currency setup not working with quick view
- FIXED: WooCommerce quick view not working when used as dynamic data source in the Column element link option
- FIXED: WooCommerce ordering boxes incorrectly being displayed on product search result pages
- FIXED: WooCommerce Grid element having a few slider based options that don't save correctly
- FIXED: WooCommerce sale badge not showing in the Woo Carousel element
- FIXED: WooCommerce SKU for variable products not auto-updating in Meta element or dynamic data if every variation has its own SKU
- FIXED: WooCommerce shipping calculator field positioning being wrong for some countries
- FIXED: WooCommerce custom cart/checkout layouts AJAX load default cart totals when shipping method is changed
- FIXED: WooCommerce custom cart layout AJAX load default cart template when cart is updated if cart page is not set in WooCommerce options
- FIXED: Removal of last item in WooCommerce custom cart layout causing a 500 error
- FIXED: Radio input showing on WooCommerce checkout page, even if only one shipping option is available
- FIXED: WPML translations of Global elements not working when elements are in legacy mode Containers
- FIXED: Rollover title displaying category title instead of post title on Portfolio archive pages
- FIXED: Rollover icons not reflecting Page Options setting correctly for icons
- FIXED: Portfolio archives being 404 when using Polylang plugin and languages are being set to different sites
- FIXED: Image placeholder missing on Portfolio archive pages if no featured image was set
- FIXED: Flyout menu not closing on mobile when header/menu is in sticky mode
- FIXED: Date archives not displaying dynamic post titles in Post Cards element
- FIXED: Live search input ID not being unique when multiple search boxes are on the same page
- FIXED: Live search result in Search element not being limited to post type, if only a single post type is selected
- FIXED: AJAX loading of next posts not working when using a custom search layout
- FIXED: AJAX loading of next posts not working when infinite scroll and load more posts by button elements are on same page
- FIXED: Styling issues on the single events page of The Events Calendar
- FIXED: Compatibility issue with The Events Calendar Pro plugin that led to widget options not saving correctly
- FIXED: Some hosts being blocked from updating Avada due to site URL being part of the user agent
- FIXED: PHP notice happening when retrieving SVG image dimensions on hosts where allow_url_fopen is disabled
- FIXED: Alignment of privacy bar button being wrong on RTL sites
- FIXED: Button set being cut off on some screen sizes in Avada Slider options
- FIXED: Avada Slider in parallax mode being incorrectly displayed when using boxed mode
- FIXED: Removed fallback in referrer function to make sure external referrers are not allowed
- FIXED: SSL issue being reported by some scanners, due to a few social sharing networks not using HTTPS
- FIXED: Text-based next/prev pagination buttons being limited in width when using the padding mode
- FIXED: Error happening when trying to perform a bulk action without an action being selected on back-end
- FIXED: Legacy font families for header and footer loading, even if Layout Builder was used to setting up header and footer
- FIXED: Compatibility issue of the MemberPress plugin with the Layout Builder
- FIXED: Column ID collision happening sometimes when different layout section previews are loaded in the live editor Layout Builder
- FIXED: Wireframe display issue in live editor when using different layout sections on one page
- FIXED: ACF dynamic callback being incorrect in Layout Builder
- FIXED: ACF dynamic data not being available in Post Card element
- FIXED: HTML content not working in before/after fields of dynamic content
- FIXED: Dynamic data countdown date not working correctly in live editor
- FIXED: Column margin/padding drag handlers disappearing on drag in some cases
- FIXED: Box shadow not working for Container element in live builder when currently editing the container
- FIXED: Social links icons boxed padding not auto-updating in live editor
- NEW: Compatibility with WooCommerce 5.2
- PERFORMANCE: Changed display mode of Menu element to be mobile-first, based on PHP estimation, to reduce CLS
- PERFORMANCE: Added image dimension auto-calculation for SVG uploads
- PERFORMNCE: Added custom icon font CSS files to the CSS compiler
- IMPROVEMENT: WooCommerce products without featured image can now be shown in the Woo Product Grid element
- IMPROVEMENT: Added Avada's element visibility options to the WooCommerce Cart elements
- IMPROVEMENT: Added support for dependency checks in the element scanner, in case some elements are part of other elements
- FIXED: Compatibility issue between WooCommerce builder and third party SEO plugins, causing fatal errors on edit pages
- FIXED: WooCommerce list view being displayed incorrectly when using Clean layout
- FIXED: WooCommerce Checkout Form opening element disappearing on backend page save
- FIXED: WooCommerce placeholder image not being used in the clean product layout
- FIXED: WooCommerce translation string mismatch
- FIXED: PHP warning on Post Card element when the source is set to WooCommerce products and WooCommerce being inactive
- FIXED: WooCommerce product archives using the blog archives sidebar in live editor
- FIXED: Check for custom layout for the WooCommerce shop page not always correct on backend editor
- FIXED: "Cart Page" label in backend pages table potentially being doubled up, depending on custom layout setup
- FIXED: Custom Flyout Menu not opening correctly if no link is set
- FIXED: Menu items set to be mega menu column titles that are linked not being displayed in the Menu element
- FIXED: Offset option not correctly working in Post Cards element
- FIXED: Rollover title displaying taxonomy name instead of post name on taxonomy pages
- FIXED: Deleted Avada Forms showing up as empty options in the form select field on the form entries page
- FIXED: Time and date fields in Avada Forms not getting correct styles applied when flatpickr is not used
- FIXED: Avada Forms time field not displaying 12hrs time format correctly
- FIXED: Avada Forms causing a JS error when used on sites with multi-language plugins when the form is missing a translation
- FIXED: reCAPTCHA causing JS error when multiple instances are used on the same page where one is in a Modal element
- FIXED: Sticky container positioning sometimes being off, when elements prior to it dynamically change height
- FIXED: Styling issue on conditional rendering logic options in live editor
- FIXED: Prebuilt website import failing on PHP8 when no widgets are set
- FIXED: Live editor not always being able to save page in Firefox due to timing issue
- FIXED: fusion_breadcrumbs_defaults filter not being applied when using the Breadcrumbs element
- FIXED: PHP notice in live editor when using custom layouts for post type archives
- FIXED: Custom icon font preload, preloading all font files instead just .ttf one
- FIXED: Avada Element Library table not being correctly updated when elements get deleted
- FIXED: Google fonts preloading not working for 400 variants