- NEW: Added a completely revamped role manager version to allow better control over different Avada areas for different WP user roles
- NEW: Submission view access for Avada Forms can now be set to give read-only access for different user roles
- NEW: Added an option to Avada Forms, for easy resetting of form submission and view count
- NEW: Added video start and end times to YouTube, Vimeo, and Video elements
- NEW: Added an alignment option to the Audio element
- NEW: Added options to Post Cards element to query WooCommerce products by SKU
- NEW: Added a Global Option to display HTML and JS right after the opening body tag
- NEW: Added option to hide subsequent events from an event series in the Events element
- NEW: Added HTML track tag options to the Video element
- NEW: Added option to Text element to make text unselectable
- NEW: Added open graph image tag option to the SEO tab in Page Options
- NEW: Added a character counter to the SEO "Meta Description" Page Option to suggest optimal description length
- NEW: Added option to change the Avada FAQ categories slug analog to Avada Portfolio
- NEW: Added "Is Term" check and referrer options to the conditional rendering setup
- NEW: Added leading and trailing whitespace check to global and page options of type text and textarea to avoid input issues (e.g. Avada Forms notification emails)
- NEW: Added several new vendors to out reset all caches setup (like WP Rocket, Hummingbird, Autoptimize, LiteSpeed and WP Fatest Cache)
- PERFORMANCE: Vastly improved cache clearing performance on post save in Live Editor
- PERFORMANCE: Added a new image sizes select option, to control which image sizes Avada creates when an image is uploaded to the media library
- PERFORMANCE: Moved the WooCommerce quick view scripts to their own file that can now conditionally be enqueued
- PERFORMANCE: WooCommerce quick view HTML elements will now get added dynamically to the DOM only on first quick view click
- IMPROVEMENT: Added support for custom fields with serialized data when checking for equal value in Post Cards element
- IMPROVEMENT: Removed deprecated sidebars.css in favor of widgets.css
- IMPROVEMENT: Live Editor main element setting tabs now use text-overflow ellipses to adjust better to longer texts in other languages
- IMPROVEMENT: Input field of the Range element of Avada Forms now auto-adjusting to the maximum number of digits
- IMPROVEMENT: Made sure the Off-Canvas animation trigger is limited to the main parent, to avoid issues once the accessibility focus trap is invoked
- IMPROVEMENT: Made sure to cast saved extra Google fonts to array to prevent issues with incorrectly saved font data
- IMPROVEMENT: Updated several option descriptions, dependencies, and dialogs for better usability
- UPDATED: Vimeo player script is now at version 2.23
- UPDATED: Font Awesome is now at version 5.14.4
- UPDATED: Compatibility with WordPress 6.5.2
- UPDATED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 8.9.1
- COMPATIBILITY: Removed the Slider Revolution 7 rendering engine CSS from the combined third-party styles to ensure compatibility
- COMPATIBILITY: Added possibility to set the "Show WooCommerce Shop Loop" Page Option also on secondary languages when using PolyLang
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed Gravity plugin doubling up its contents in layout sections when using the Layout Builder
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed Optima Express plugin doubling up its contents in layout sections when using the Layout Builder
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed PrivateContent plugin doubling up its contents in layout sections when using the Layout Builder
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed MemberDash plugin doubling up its contents in layout sections when using the Layout Builder
- FIXED: Woo Reviews element displaying review sub-heading incorrectly as title
- FIXED: Tag-based filters being incorrect in the Portfolio element when using WPML and viewing page in a secondary language
- FIXED: Avada Forms Submit element loading styles interfering with button background hover animation
- FIXED: Content background image Page Option dependent sub-options having wrong dependency check
- FIXED: Page Options being reset when a post is saved by a user with editor role
- FIXED: Image Carousel looping through initial set of images when scroll items option is set to higher than 1
- FIXED: Dynamic data post ID being incorrect when used on archive pages
- FIXED: Dynamic data term titles being incorrect in Post Cards when used on Search page
- FIXED: Exit animation speed option not working in Off-Canvas when using sliding bar type
- FIXED: Container gradient backgrounds not always being correctly applied when using a parallax background image and Avada lazy loading
- FIXED: First and last image in Avada Woo product gallery being doubled in lightbox when using WooCommerce product zoom
- FIXED: Incorrect legacy page title bar font styling being applied to h3 elements used in page title bar Layout Section
- FIXED: WooCommerce quantity box styling being off when using Woo Cart Table element in an Off-Canvas
- FIXED: WooCommerce quick view not working when using Post Cards Cart element in Post Card
- FIXED: ACF repeater sub-field dynamic data not rendering before/after fields when populating Tabs element children
- FIXED: WooCommerce order attribution not being added when using Woo Checkout Billing element
- FIXED: woocommerce_get_catalog_ordering_args filter not being correctly removed from Woo Product Slider elements causing ordering issues in the following Post Cards element
- FIXED: Responsive WooCommerce list view not staying fixed to one column
- FIXED: Pricing Table element styling being incorrect when Critical CSS loading is used
- FIXED: Space missing between posts when using medium alternate layout in Archive element on post types other than posts
- FIXED: Section Separator element throwing PHP warning when set to a custom design but no SVG was uploaded
- FIXED: Some option dependencies in Title element being incorrect
- FIXED: Several PHP notices happening in a few edge cases
- FIXED: Missing toolbar icons in lightbox when using para skin
- FIXED: Images used in Container and Column background sliders not being imported from Avada Studio
- FIXED: Dynamic content UI being displayed on the parent element if dynamic content is added to a nested element (e.g. )
- FIXED: Fatal error happening when saving an Avada Form in backend editor when a field name is named post_type and Mailchimp or HubSpot connections are active
- FIXED: Gravity Forms element not loading saved or changed form in Live Editor for latest Gravity Forms version
- FIXED: Global Options Search Form tab is causing a JS error in Live Editor
- FIXED: Container padding not always correctly applied when editing an Off-Canvas editing in Live Editor
- FIXED: Column z-index option not being correctly applied in Live Editor
- FIXED: Bottom shadow missing from Image element in Live Editor when zoom in or zoom out hover options are chosen
- FIXED: Hover styles of Image element not animating in Live Editor when combined with filter options
- FIXED: Child element settings dialog missing the back button in Live Editor