- NEW: Added post lock functionality and info box to Live Editor if someone else is already editing a certain post
- NEW: Added functionality to automatically invalidate critical CSS on major updates, to avoid CSS conflicts
- NEW: Added an option to enable cloning of Avada's standard post types
- NEW: Added option to conditional rendering based on available HTML heading tags within post content
- NEW: Added more animation trigger options to Lottie element, including scroll and cursor move
- NEW: Added an option to close sub-menus when clicking outside, to Menu element when using click mode
- NEW: Added wavy separator styling and options to Separator element
- NEW: Added a full typography settings option to the Tagline Box element title
- NEW: Added dropcap options to the Content element
- NEW: Added responsive column control to Gallery element
- NEW: Added option to set a min and max date for the Date Field element of Avada Forms
- NEW: Added a user role option for Avada Form submissions
- IMPROVEMENT: Added submission ID, date, and time to the Avada Forms export
- IMPROVEMENT: Show password icon is now displayed on the WooCommer My Account login page
- IMPROVEMENT: If form background is transparent, the select field option background will be auto set, depending on label color
- COMPATIBILITY: Updated structure of how checkbox values in Avada Forms are sent to HubSpot
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed layout builder not working with FlexMLS IDX plugin
- FIXED: Tagline Box element heading not correctly using the h2 Global Option size
- FIXED: Hide scrollbar option in Off Canvas settings not working
- FIXED: Scrollbar handle color option not working correctly for Off Canvas
- FIXED: Sliding bar responsive width option not working for Off Canvas
- FIXED: Sliding bar pus transition not working for RTL languages
- FIXED: Thumbnails in Mega Menus not being displayed correctly
- FIXED: Mega Menu position sometimes being incorrect in Firefox
- FIXED: Continue button missing in the WooCommerce Checkout Tabs element
- FIXED: Duplicate filter in WooCommerce Cart Coupon element
- FIXED: Review tab using link color instead of body font color in WooCommerce Tabs element
- FIXED: Responsive columns option not working correctly for Post Cards element
- FIXED: Bottom shadow of Image element being displayed incorrectly when image width is smaller than the container
- FIXED: Recent Posts widget border missing on front-end
- FIXED: Text transform not working for the backside heading of Flip Boxes element
- FIXED: Styling of Navigation Menu widget indentation
- FIXED: Numeric counter type in Table Of Contents element not working in Safari
- FIXED: Auto height not working in Image Carousel element
- FIXED: Caption typography not working in Image element
- FIXED: Top and bottom margin Global Options defaults not being used in the Column element
- FIXED: Text decoration not being excluded from menus on legacy headers if set in Global Options
- FIXED: Avada Slider title/caption having incorrect default color
- FIXED: Alignment of popover in Image Hotspot element
- FIXED: Blog Sidebar name translation issue causing reset on back-end editor
- FIXED: Disabling Avada Builder for the editor role causing column issue with meta boxes on back-end edit screens
- FIXED: Yoast SEO content analysis incorrectly prepending Avada form notices to the back-end edit screens on pages that use forms
- FIXED: Icon position being incorrect for Date, Select, Time, and Textarea elements in Live Editor
- FIXED: Container element margin/padding drag handles also affecting nested Container elements in Live Editor
- FIXED: Responsive grid columns CSS not working in Live Editor
- FIXED: Gallery element not being responsive in Live Editor when checking medium or small preview
- FIXED: CSS filter options to live updating for Column element in Live Editor