Barn2 Media - WooCommerce Multiple Email Recipients 1.2.11

Download Barn2 Media - WooCommerce Multiple Email Recipients 1.2.11 from nulled fire. Barn2 Media WooCommerce Multiple Email Recipients is an easy-to-use plugin.
* Dev: Tested up to WordPress 6.6 and WooCommerce 9.1.4
* Dev: Updated the internal libraries
* Dev: Updated the classes to use barn2-lib 2
* Fix: Wrong number of emails when counting user email
* Fix: Additional emails don't save for orders
* Dev: Tested up to WordPress 6.3.1 and WooCommerce 8.0.3
* Dev: Added support for WooCommerce HPOS
* Dev: Upgrade to the composer version of barn2-lib
* Fix: Added syncing of order emails from customer