PERFORMANCE: We have split the entire CSS into files and load them only where they are needed. Reduced CSS size by 30-60%
PERFORMANCE: JS methods have been redesigned to run only when the user starts to interact with the element for which the script is needed<
PERFORMANCE: Added "Init carousel on scroll" option for carousels
PERFORMANCE: Added "Imagify" plugin compatibility
PERFORMANCE: Load Light bootstrap version option
PERFORMANCE: Load WPBakery optimized CSS option
PERFORMANCE: Added "System font stack" to typography select
PERFORMANCE: Added options to preload "basel-font.woff" and "basel-font.woff2" fonts
PERFORMANCE: Added options to preload "Simple-Line-Icons.woff" and "Simple-Line-Icons.woff2" fonts
PERFORMANCE: Optimized Google fonts loading
PERFORMANCE: Refactored RTL styles
PERFORMANCE: Nanoscroller library replaced with pure CSS scrollbar
ADDED: Compare icon to all headers
ADDED: My account links to all headers
ADDED: Compatibility "Yoast SEO" custom page title with our AJAX functionality
ADDED: "Order by" to product filters element
ADDED: "Hide empty" option to product "Brands" element
ADDED: Option to select widgets title tag
ADDED: Categories ID to title in widget Layered navigation
ADDED: Option to set a number of days to keep your products marked as "New" after creation
ADDED: Option to select page title tag
ADDED: "noopener" and "noreferrer" parameter for "rel" attribute to social links
ADDED: rel="nofollow" for links with href="#"
ADDED: Option to increase AJAX variation threshold
ADDED: Categories to "HTML block" post type
ADDED: Instagram fake images option
FIXED: Problem with non-initialized field Select2 in theme settings
FIXED: Error on shop page after AJAX and back button
FIXED: Single product magnific popup animations on 360 and video
FIXED: "New products" data source with automatic new label option in Products element
FIXED: HTML Block widget issue block with the same name
FIXED: Breadcrumb data type changed from "" to " -"
FIXED: PHP error "Call to undefined function wp_body_open()"
FIXED: Single product "360 view" images load only when you click on the icon
FIXED: Inability to leave a comment for a product without selecting a rating
FIXED: "Product filters" element problem displaying all attributes on all category pages
FIXED: "Lazy loading" with WooCommerce email images
FIXED: "YITH Multi-Vendor" plugin sidebar compatibility issue
FIXED: Sales label for variation product displaying as individual
FIXED: Deprecated jQuery functions
FIXED: Search icon on IPad
FIXED: Default Header color scheme value
FIXED: OWL-carousel jump during page loading
FIXED: Sticky add to cart on mobile
FIXED: Masonry post loop with load more button
IMPROVED: Changed `h3` to `span` tag in cart side widget
IMPROVED: Changed `h3` to `span` tag in side login title
UPDATED: Translations POT files
UPDATED: Google fonts list
UPDATED: TweenMax library to 2.1.3
UPDATED: Outdated WooCommerce template files
UPDATED: Google maps API version from 3.41 to 3.44
UPDATED: XTEMOS Post Types plugin 1.14 - Added "ABSPATH" check to plugin files
DEPRECATED: "AJAX" source type for Instagram element
REMOVED: Deprecated CSS vendor prefixes