Basel - Responsive eCommerce Theme 5.8

Download Basel - Responsive eCommerce Theme 5.8 from nulled fire. BASEL is a professional minimalist AJAX responsive theme.
ADDED: New label end date option
ADDED: Attribute `nofollow` to Basel layered nav widget
FIXED: `Project title in page heading` option behavior
FIXED: Off-canvas sidebar button on portfolio pages
FIXED: Username with API in Instagram WPB element
FIXED: Select2 in theme widgets
FIXED: Shop page link function
FIXED: Wishlist empty page issue
FIXED: JS error in theme settings
FIXED: Mini cart quantity update one item only
FIXED: Quick view with external product ajax button issue
FIXED: Infobox JS error with SVG animations option
FIXED: Standard font issue
FIXED: Duplicate custom CSS
FIXED: OWL Carousel random jumps
FIXED: Wishlist products pagination
FIXED: CSS duplicated properties
FIXED: Load more button scroll to bottom issue
FIXED: Stock widget color scheme and RTL issue
IMPROVED: AJAX Search by categories
IMPROVED: Prev Next button on products
IMPROVED: Theme Settings performance
IMPROVED: Remove product from mini cart if product quantity equal to zero
UPDATED: Google fonts list
UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin 6.4.1
UPDATED: WPBakery Page Builder plugin 6.2.23
UPDATED: Translations POT files
REMOVED: Deprecated font format files
REMOVED: Deprecated moment.js library
DEV: Added `basel-shop-page-inited` trigger to JS
DEV: Added `basel_dashboard_theme_links_access` filter to change dashboard links access
DEV: Added `woocommerce_checkout_before_order_review_heading` action to `form-checkout.php`
DEV: Added `basel_compare_return_to_shop_url` filter to `inc/woocommerce/compare.php` file
DEV: Added `basel_wishlist_return_to_shop_url` filter to `inc/woocommerce/wishlist/class-ui.php` file
DEV: Fixed `is_product_exists()` function in `inc/woocommerce/wishlist/class-ui.php` file
DEV: Added `wp_body_open` action
DEV: Added `basel_photoswipe_close_on_scroll` filter to disable photo swipe close on scroll
DEV: Added `basel_products_nav_in_same_term` filter to make prev and next button work in the same category
ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Stock status widget
ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Product quantity in mini cart widget
ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Limit swatches on grid
ADDED: Change portfolio category URL slug option
ADDED: Change portfolio project URL slug option
ADDED: Exclude categories from page title option
ADDED: Hide empty categories from page title option
ADDED: Message to review form if image upload enabled but user not login
ADDED: AJAX Products tabs JS callback after loaded
ADDED: WooCommerce 4.3.0 compatibility
ADDED: Supports custom fields to slider post type
FIXED: Grid switcher on shop page
FIXED: WhatsApp share link
FIXED: Instagram error
FIXED: PHP 7.4 errors
FIXED: Single product JS error
FIXED: Swatches select issue
FIXED: Product price filter after import missing
FIXED: Product element two columns issue
FIXED: Wine version dummy import
FIXED: Size guide button in IE11
FIXED: Contact Form 7 5.2 styles
FIXED: Product page "Compact" in old Safari browsers
FIXED: Gradient titles element styles in Safari browser
FIXED: Mailchimp form icons
FIXED: YITH Wishlist plugin "Add to wishlist" button loader
REMOVED: Redux Framework backward compatibility
UPDATED: XTemos Post Types plugin 1.13
UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin 6.2.17
UPDATED: WPBakery Page Builder plugin 6.2.0
UPDATED: Translations POT files