ADDED: Product grid swatches cache
ADDED: Single product sold out label
ADDED: Allow SVG uploads option
ADDED: Timeline link options
ADDED: Categories element autoplay option
ADDED: Attribute nofollow to social buttons
ADDED: Show empty ranges option to price filter widget
ADDED: Recommended plugin Safe SVG
FIXED: WooCommerce 3.5.5 compatibility
FIXED: Images gallery zoom image size
FIXED: Categories with masonry and lazy loading options height issue
FIXED: One page menu navigation
FIXED: JS error in dashboard
FIXED: WooCommerce email images with Lazy loading
FIXED: Product grid on mobile
FIXED: Select2 in Layered navigation widget
FIXED: Progress bar issue with numbers
FIXED: Additional variation gallery not saving images issue
FIXED: Additional variation gallery with quick view issue
FIXED: SVG with gradient issue
FIXED: Mobile Firefox issue with variable product label
FIXED: Search categories title attribute issue
FIXED: Instagram error
FIXED: Compare empty fields
FIXED: Compare count with multisite
FIXED: Products element with WPML transalated products
FIXED: Theme settings link if user not admin
FIXED: Lazy loading image attribute conflict
FIXED: Register link action
FIXED: Out of stock variables visibility issue
FIXED: Lazy loading with Dokan dashboard
FIXED: Whatsapp share link
FIXED: Additional tab line-height
FIXED: A lot of CSS issues
FIXED: PHP warnings
FIXED: JS console errors
UPDATED: Post types plugin 1.7
UPDATED: WPBakery Page Builder plugin 5.7
UPDATED: Translations POT files