ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Product filters form
ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Popup button element
ADDED: Always open shop filter area option
ADDED: Custom content in filter area option
ADDED: Query type option to product element
FIXED: Removed inline carousel scripts from HTML
FIXED: WPBakery Page Builder RTL fix
FIXED: WooCommerce Layered Nav widget issue
FIXED: Footer without plugins
FIXED: Hidden sidebar on maintenance
FIXED: Header banner with maintenance
FIXED: Promo popup on maintenance page issue
FIXED: Post gallery and lazy loading bug
FIXED: Single product sidebar issues
FIXED: Scroll per page carousel option
FIXED: WPML currency in quick view issue
FIXED: Autoheight in carousel
FIXED: Added nofollow attribute to Infinite scrolling and Load more button
FIXED: Columns parallax background
FIXED: Show sidebar button without shop sidebar
FIXED: Search form shadow in Safari/Firefox
FIXED: Product loader fix
FIXED: Quick view small product image
FIXED: PHP errors
REMOVED: Deprecated link field for WPBakery button element.
REMOVED: Unnecessary hook on single product page
REMOVED: AJAX from categories block
UPDATED: WPBakery Page Builder plugin 5.5.2
UPDATED: XTEMOS Post Types plugin 1.5
UPDATED: Translations POT files