Basel - Responsive eCommerce Theme 5.8

Download Basel - Responsive eCommerce Theme 5.8 from nulled fire. BASEL is a professional minimalist AJAX responsive theme.
ADDED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.4.1
ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Parallax on scroll on WPB single image and columns
ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Custom fonts
ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Sticky add to cart
ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Sticky filter button
ADDED: New option "Without cart widget"
ADDED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.4.0
ADDED: Compatibility with WordPress 4.9.6
ADDED: Categories description position option
ADDED: Stop close filters area after click option
ADDED: Images gallery and Products element center mode
ADDED: Snapchat social link
ADDED: Sticky shop loader
ADDED: Without cart widget option
ADDED: Option to disable wishlist product count label (disable AJAX wishlist request)
ADDED: Disable portfolio option
ADDED: Telegram social and share link
ADDED: Hide product count option on categories element
ADDED: Option show product attributes after short description
FIXED: Product filter by meta key
FIXED: YITH Add to Quote php notice
FIXED: Empty category with Product AJAX tabs
FIXED: Promo popup appearance
FIXED: Product categories element default sorting parameter
FIXED: PHP count function in cart widget
FIXED: Product brands element default sorting parameter
FIXED: WPML translations
FIXED: Search out of stock
FIXED: Countdown timer for sale products
FIXED: Banner widget image issue
FIXED: About brand translations string
FIXED: PHP warning
REMOVED: Unnecessary prettyPhoto library
UPDATED: Cookies js library
UPDATED: XTEMOS Post Types plugin 1.4
UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin
UPDATED: Translations POT files
ADDED: Brands element page
ADDED: Extra menu list element page
ADDED: List element page
ADDED: VK follow and share social button
ADDED: WhatsApp follow social button
FIXED: AJAX search by category
FIXED: Sale product countdown
FIXED: Swatches on list view
UPDATED: Mega menu dummy content
UPDATED: Translations POT files