Beaver Builder Plugin Pro

Download Beaver Builder Plugin Pro from nulled fire. Beaver Builder Plugin Pro and Agency is drag and drop frontend WordPress page builder plugin.
Hotfix: Fixed an autop issue introduced in 2.0.4.
-All links now use https.
-Added playsinline to background videos and enabled them to play on mobiles.
-New action fl_builder_after_save_draft added when a layout is saved as draft.
-Lots of RTL updates for builder UI.
-Allow users to select image size when using lightbox.
-Allow multiple post types for auto suggest field.
-Slideshow Module - Re-enabled prev & next button for touch devices.
-Subscribe Module - Added as a service.
-Updated language files.
-Moved filter fl_builder_loop_query_args to just before WP_Query() to allow better customization.​

Bug Fixes
-Fixed an icon bug on multisite installs.
-Fixed PHP error in Subscribe Module recaptcha when Curl is unavailable.
-Fixed list names appearing blank in Subscribe Module Madmimi service.
-Fix z-index issue with overflow menus on top of field connection icons.
-Fixed the Save As button showing up in the lite version and in restricted editing mode.
-Fixed bug with layout settings getting encoded when the modsec fix is enabled.
-Fixed Posts module - Columns layout broken when using load more pagination.
-Fixed Subscribe Module - Issues when same forms loaded on a page.
-Fixed issue with textarea HTML being stripped when settings are saved.
-Fixed issue with column widths on mobile when reverse stacking is enabled.
-Fixed issue when pasting color into a colorpicker field.
-Fixed a conflict with Fancybox3.​
  • Fixed an issue with W3 Cache when CDN is enabled.