Beaver Builder Plugin Pro

Download Beaver Builder Plugin Pro from nulled fire. Beaver Builder Plugin Pro and Agency is drag and drop frontend WordPress page builder plugin.
1.9.1 - 12/12/2016

Updated Google fonts.
Updated translations.

Bug Fixes

Fixed rows and modules not appearing when first added to the page.
Fixed column settings dropdown disappearing when the column has a background overlay color.
Fixed the button module lightbox opening all lightboxes on the page.
Fixed multiple RTL language CSS issues.
Fixed row and column text colors affecting select inputs.
Fixed CSS conflicts with third party themes and the builder UI.
Fixed parallax backgrounds being applied to child rows when inserting layouts via a shortcode.
This update adds a number of new features. Be sure to check out <a href="Beaver Builder 1.9 Shasta - Columns in columns, improved responsive settings, and more! | Beaver Builder">the blog post</a> for detailed info on what was added.

  • Added the ability to drop columns into columns.
  • Added the ability to drag and drop existing columns.
  • Made multiple improvements for more accurate dragging and dropping.
  • Added responsive settings for margins, padding and borders.
  • Added new content page templates.
  • Template images are now loaded via HTTPS.
  • Added the ability to open a lightbox via a button.
  • Added the ability to add an alpha slider to color fields.
Bug Fixes

  • Fixed responsive spacing not working when defaults are zeroed out in the global settings.
  • Fixed format select not showing in text editor fields.
  • Fixed incorrect color picker width in third party themes.
  • Fixed incorrect column group positions when dropping an existing module into a row.
  • Fixed multiple issues with responsive margins/padding not working.
  • Fixed a fatal error caused by modules that are no longer registered.
  • Fixed broken modules that have nested forms such as the Accordion module.
  • Fixed live preview issues for nested columns when editing the parent column.
  • Fixed issues with live preview not working correctly for responsive fields.
  • Fixed issues with global responsive margins and padding not working.
  • Fixed issues with equal height columns and nested columns.
  • Fixed Button module lightbox close button positioning.
  • Fixed drag and drop placeholder animation lag.
1.8.8 - 11/08/2016

  • Updated FontAwesome to 4.7.
  • Add tags support for AWeber and ActiveCampaign.
  • Added the "site" parameter to the fl_builder_insert_layout shortcode for inserting layouts from other sites on a network.
Bug Fixes

  • Fixed module settings not loading when the site language is set to Farsi.
  • Fixed HTML validation error with the Icon module.
  • Fixed an error when setting the default editor to HTML using the wp_default_editor filter.
  • Fixed YouTube videos not working when column stacking order is reversed.
  • Fixed Content Slider module's navigation arrows not showing in IE11.
  • Fixed not being able to translate the comments popup link in the Posts module.
  • Fixed long template names not showing ellipses in the content panel.
  • Fixed empty global rows when sending a global row to the trash in wp-admin.
  • Fixed the Posts module breaking the render_query method in certain cases.
  • Fixed the position of the settings lightbox resize icon on RTL sites.
  • Fixed not being able to close accordion submenus in the Menu module.