BeMusic - Music Streaming Engine 3.1.0

Download BeMusic - Music Streaming Engine 3.1.0 from nulled fire. BeMusic allows you to create your own music streaming website in minutes with no coding knowledge.
new: it's now possible to change default font, border radius and navbar color from appearance editor.
fix: issues with repeat one player option
fix: issue with when switching from stripe test mode to live
fix: flac audio incorrectly being detected as video
fix: make genre names translatable in channel grid view
fix: track channel list layout
fix: default album view option
fix: custom landing page SEO tags not showing sometimes
fix: playlist channel curated order issue
fix: date range picker issue when starting selection from end date
new: improved first page load speed
new: improved SEO tags editor in admin area
new: tags are now searchable for artist and album
new: add reported filter to comments datatable
new: added logout button to verify email page
new: show user suspension reason on edit user page
fix: album share link not including artist name
fix: some HLS playback issues
fix: fallback to native video player for HLS on iOS
fix: track description not being editable from album form
fix: hide similar artists header if there are no similar artists
fix: datepicker keyboard input not working sometimes
fix: hide facebook and twitter buttons on backstage page if they are not setup in admin area
fix: wrong edit artist page sometimes accessible after claiming artist
fix: uploaded logo files sometimes getting removed
fix: appearance editor values not updating sometimes without page reload
fix: include geolocation database locally
fix: permission issue with guest role
fix: allow removing sentry dsn in settings page
fix: hidden plans still visible on change plan page
fix: annual subscription sometimes not getting selected
fix: paypal subscription issue
fix: issues with "api.access" permission
fix: issue with search on mobile
fix: confirmation dialog not closing sometimes
fix: landing page background issues on iOS
new: added two factor authentication support
new: users can now be suspended/baned from admin area
new: added full size social login buttons as an option in login and register pages
new: it's now possible to prevent emails from certain domains from registering new accounts
new: added active sessions panel in account settings page
new: Improved responsiveness of all tables across the site.
fix: track image not showing when embedding
fix: playlist not loading more tracks on mobile
fix: library page menu not showing on tablet screen size
fix: prevent saving album if uploads are in progress
fix: long artist names sometimes overflowing player controls
fix: last week option in date picker
fix: prevent admin user from being deleted
fix: wrong site url sometimes being set during installation
fix: some visual issues on checkout page
fix: light theme still being default, event if dark theme is selected in settings page
fix: hide theme change button if theme changing is disabled in settings page
fix: compatability with new versions of tntsearch method
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