BeMusic - Music Streaming Engine 3.1.3

Download BeMusic - Music Streaming Engine 3.1.3 from nulled fire. BeMusic allows you to create your own music streaming website in minutes with no coding knowledge.
new: improved genre layout when showing in channels
new: add an option to only allow social login with existing account
new: ask for confirmation on page leave when there are changes in settings page
fix: lazy loading more tracks in history page not working
fix: tracks not lazy loading on clicking next button, only when playback ends
fix: landing page settings sometimes not saving in appearance editor
fix: album page seo data
fix: account settings link in OTP code email
fix: show thumbnail for large image when cdn url is specified
fix: incorrect owner sometimes showing in admin > files
new: it's possible to show or hide menu item based on user subscription status
new: channel editor search field now allows searching by ID
new: show queue worker status in settings page
new: ask user to unsubscribe first before allowing account deletion
fix: issue with adding content to channels
fix: uploaded image in become artist request not saving sometimes
fix: albums on artist page not ordered correctly
fix: don't recreate default menus and custom pages during update if they were modified
fix: hide channel reorder button, if sorting type is not set to manual
fix: uploads sometimes failing validation even if extension is allowed in settings page
fix: comment list layout on mobile
fix: some tablets not showing menu properly
fix: pagination buttons not preserving filters
fix: hide social login menu item in account settings if all social logins are disabled