Download BeTheme 27.4.3 from nulled fire. BeTheme is the most versatile and powerful multipurpose WordPress theme on the market.
* Added: Footer - Option to hide entire footer
[ Theme Options > Footer > Style > Hide Footer ]
* Added: Hreflang Tag in Header - The same as HTML lang code
* Fixed: Under Construction - Contact Form 7
* Fixed: Share Box shortcode
* Fixed: Layer Slider + Wrap: Move Up - z-index
* Pre-built website: Car Wash, Robotics

- changelog.html
- footer.php
- functions.php
- screenshot.png
- style.css
- css/base.css
- functions/importer/css/style.css
- functions/importer/images/demos.jpg
- functions/importer/demos.php
- functions/theme-functions.php
- functions/theme-head.php
- functions/theme-shortcodes.php
- muffin-options/theme-options.php

We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
This is nulled version,install demos etc...
* Added: System Status - Check if Home URL domain is the same as Site URL domain
* Fixed: Admin Panel - Search Pages/Posts - Minor PHP notice
* Fixed: Header Fixed - Main Menu - 1st level - Description
* Fixed: Header Fixed + Action Bar - Hash Smooth Scroll (.scroll)
* Fixed: Plugin - The Events Calendar - Sidebar width
* Updated: IE - Deprecated scripts removed
* Pre-built website: GSM Service, Snowpark

- changelog.html
- functions.php
- style.css
- css/layout.css
- functions/admin/templates/status.php
- functions/admin/class-mfn-status.php
- functions/importer/css/style.css
- functions/importer/images/demos.jpg
- functions/importer/demos.php
- functions/theme-functions.php
- functions/theme-head.php
- js/scripts.js
- tribe-events/default-template.php
- woocommerce/archive-product.php

We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache