Download BeTheme 27.4.3 from nulled fire. BeTheme is the most versatile and powerful multipurpose WordPress theme on the market.
* Fixed: Action Bar - Slogan - Some basic HTML tags allowed
* Fixed: Header - Action Button - Some basic HTML tags allowed
* Fixed: Muffin Builder: Builder to SEO - Do not strip some tags (a, H1-H6, img)
* Improved: Minor code cleanup according to new Themeforest Requirements
* Pre-built website: Coaching 2, Hosting 2

Too many theme files were changed (63). Please update the whole theme folder.
* Improved: Dynamic CSS Styles - Escaping Output to prevent unwanted results
* Fixed: Minor code cleanup in many theme files
* Pre-built website: Healthy, Product 2

- 404.php
- bbpress.php
- changelog.html
- footer.php
- functions.php
- header-shop.php
- header.php
- index.php
- search.php
- searchform.php
- sidebar-taxonomy.php
- single-download.php
- single-portfolio.php
- style-colors.php
- style-one.php
- style-responsive.php
- style.css
- style.php
- taxonomy-portfolio-types.php
- template-portfolio.php
- css/layout.css
- functions/admin/templates/parts/mini-status.php
- functions/admin/templates/dashboard.php
- functions/admin/templates/status.php
- functions/admin/templates/support.php
- functions/admin/class-mfn-dashboard.php
- functions/admin/class-mfn-status.php
- functions/builder/fields.php
- functions/builder/front.php
- functions/importer/css/style.css
- functions/importer/images/demos.jpg
- functions/importer/class-mfn-importer-api.php
- functions/importer/demos.php
- functions/plugins/visual-composer.php
- functions/theme-functions.php
- functions/theme-head.php
- functions/theme-shortcodes.php
- includes/content-portfolio.php
- includes/content-single-portfolio.php
- includes/content-single.php
- includes/header-creative.php
- includes/header-side-slide.php
- includes/header-single-intro.php
- includes/header-top-area.php
- includes/include-logo.php
- includes/include-wpml.php
- muffin-options/fields/textarea/field_textarea.php
- muffin-options/fields/upload_multi/field_upload_multi.php
- muffin-options/options.php
- muffin-options/theme-options.php
- tribe-events/default-template.php
- vc_templates/vc_accordion.php
- vc_templates/vc_accordion_tab.php
- vc_templates/vc_tabs.php
- vc_templates/vc_toggle.php
- woocommerce/loop/loop-start.php
- woocommerce/content-product.php
* Fixed: Posts & Portfolio - Muffin Builder: Builder to SEO, Import/Export, Templates
* Fixed: Blog - Single Post - Comments - Reply: Cancel reply - Font size
* Fixed: Theme Options - Blog, Portfolio & Shop - Featured Image - Typo
* Fixed: JS scripts - Custom variables are passed using wp_localize_script()
* Pre-built website: Biker 2, Diet 2

- changelog.html
- functions.php
- style.css
- css/base.css
- css/layout.css
- functions/builder/css/style.css
- functions/builder/js/scripts.js
- functions/builder/back.php
- functions/importer/css/style.css
- functions/importer/images/demos.jpg
- functions/importer/js/scripts.js
- functions/importer/demos.php
- functions/theme-functions.php
- functions/theme-head.php
- functions/theme-shortcodes.php
- js/parallax/translate3d.js
- js/menu.js
- js/plugins.js
- js/scripts.js
- muffin-options/css/options-rtl.css
- muffin-options/css/options.css
- muffin-options/fields/*/field_*.php