Download BeTheme 27.4.3 from nulled fire. BeTheme is the most versatile and powerful multipurpose WordPress theme on the market.
* Added: Responsive - Mobile - Maximum images srcset width
* Added: System Status - Show warning if site uses insecure http connection

* Fixed: BeBuilder - History - Undo action
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Section - Deprecated section styles - Options are invisible and cannot be deselected
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Keyboard shortcodes - Ctrl+C
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Transform - Minor CSS fixes
* Fixed: Popup Builder - Template type changes to 'page template' if popup is updated in backend editor
* Fixed: Popup Builder + WPML plugin - Display conditions

* Fixed: Shop - Archives - Price is missing if shop template is not selected
* Fixed: Shop - Single product - Quantity field - Hide for 'Sold individually' products
* Fixed: Shop - Single product - Sidebar inherited from shop page [68823]
* Fixed: Shop - Single product - Custom Variation Swatches
* Fixed: Shop - Single product - Minor CSS fixes

* Fixed: Social Icons - Add https:// prefix if missing
* Fixed: Pre-built websites - Database reset - Remove widgets to prevent Inactive widgets excess
* Fixed: PHP 8.1 Deprecated: Automatic conversion of false to array

* Fixed: Contact Form 7 - Response output - Missing CSS style
* Fixed: Elementor plugin - Be Gallery widget - Lightbox - Missing title and description [68831]
* Fixed: BeCustom plugin - Betheme Dashboard page content [68866]
* Fixed: BeCustom plugin - Edit with BeBuilder link

* Removed - Automatic theme updates - WordPress 6.2 do not allow auto updates for themes outsite
* Fixed: Header Builder - Menu element - Deprecated styles removed
* Fixed: Shop page - Product image - Secondary image size on hover

* Fixed: WP Rocket plugin - Too few arguments to function maybe_disable_core_lazyload()
* Added: Betheme Tools - Regenerate Thumbnails - Restore missing SVG images dimensions
* Added: Header Builder - Header and Sticky header - Width attibute
* Added: Toggle element - Parse some shortcodes in tab content [68403]
* Added: WPML plugin - BeBuilder Language Switcher element

* Fixed: Shop page - Page title tag [68669]
* Fixed: Shop page - Sidebar select - Default WooCommerce sidebar
* Fixed: Templates - Shop page - Duplicated product attibutes
* Fixed: Header Builder - Menu element - Menu icons height
* Fixed: Header Builder - Menu element - Active menu link color
* Fixed: Header Builder - Scroll when click on menu link with anchor - Scroll position [68752]

* Fixed: Theme Options - Responsive - Mobile site width
* Fixed: Theme Options - Responsive - Layout - Changed confusing function description

* Fixed: Under Construction page - Launch date - Countdown [68697]
* Fixed: PHP 7.2 Error: Redundant comma in Builder class
* Fixed: PHP 8.1 Deprecated: strpos/trim(): Passing null [68733]

* Improved: Shop page - Product image - Specify exact width instead of selecting options
* Improved: Image element - Missing srcset and sizes added
* Improved: Performance - Disable WordPress assets - Block library - Include WooCommerce blocks CSS