* Added: Hubspot Migration from API to Private Apps. Please Reintegrate Hubspot from Brave Integration page following the latest documentation.
* Added: Mobile Layout: Option to Auto Sync Element Settings from the Desktop Layout on Save. Please Check the Responsive Documentation.
* Added: Forms can now be resubmitted again without page refresh.
* Fixed: Hide Controls for Youtube Videos were not working.
* Fixed: Countdown Timer was broken.
* Fixed: Dynamic Element Slider Links were not working.
* Fixed: Contacts added to FluentCRM has same lastname as the firstname.
* Fixed: When a form element is copied or duplicated, its conditional display rules, and newsletter settings options were not copied over.
* Fixed: Image radio button by default were set to the first image.
* Fixed: If a Form Step has a lot of fields and its height is more than the container, the scrollbar does not show up.
* Fixed: Multi-Step Form Conditional Logic was not working properly on clicking the step back button.