CartFlows Pro 2.0.8

Download CartFlows Pro 2.0.8 from nulled fire. Turn your website into a selling machine using one-click sales funnels with frictionless checkout.
- New: Added Checkout Plugins - Stripe for WooCommerce's Flexible Payment Method support for upsell/downsell.
- New: Introduced a filter cartflows_pro_analytics_cookie_expire_time to change the analytics cookie expire time.
- Fix: Resolved the session expired error on offer steps with dynamic condition when a non supported gateway is used.
- Fix: Corrected warnings triggered by coupon existence checks in dynamic conditions on the checkout page.
- Fix: Resolved a conflict where the payment section's label CSS was affecting the order bump label style.
- Fix: Corrected a bug that blocked users from advancing in multi-step checkout when guest checkout was turned on.
- Improvement: Improved the compatibility of product options quantity selector to handle the stock limit on the checkout page.
- Improvement: The price conversion for product options and order bumps were not working for MultiCurrency feature of WooPayments plugin.
- Improvement: Improved the compatibility of WooCommerce Payments plugin for upsell/Downsell payments.
- Fix: Fixed the formatting issue of checkout offers content field.
- Fix: Fixed the conflict with Thrive Architect and CartFlows with Astra Pro's custom header/footer.
- Fix: Dynamic conditions on the checkout page was not working if applied with product and coupon conditions.
- Fix: Fixed an issue where the order bump product was being selected multiple times when added to the cart from the shop page.
Updated the free plugin to 2.0.8