CartFlows Pro 2.0.8

Download CartFlows Pro 2.0.8 from nulled fire. Turn your website into a selling machine using one-click sales funnels with frictionless checkout.
Version 2.0.6 - Thursday, 2nd May 2024
- Improvement: Modified the statement descriptor param as per the guidelines by stripe.
- Improvements: Improved the order bump code to make it compatible with out-of-stock products.
- Fix: The upsell/downsell product was getting added in the order even if the order is cancelled manually while using Mollie Gateway.
- Fix: Fixed the "Place Order" button would disappear when using the PayPal payments plugin.
- Fix: The your product section was showing line-through to the product price in some conditions.
- Fix: Fixed the issue of Subscriptions were charged immediately instead of after trials.
- Improvement: Improved the logging statements for the flow's analytics.
- Improvement: Improved the subscription product related conditions if the WooCommerce Subscription plugin is not active and installed.
- Improvement: Fixed the deprecated notice of the statement descriptor of stripe's card payment gateway.
- Fix: Fixed the product stock was getting reduced two times for the upsell offer products
- Fix: Subscription product was not getting replaced with with the OB product while using replace first product feature.
- Fix: Resolved the undefined array key warning for PHP 8.2 version.
- Fix: Resolved pricing displayed for subscription products with sign-up fees instead it should display only sign-up fees
- Fix: Fixed double price display in order bump for the 100% discount.
- Fix: Two place order buttons were getting displayed while using Checkout Plugins - Stripe for WooCommerce plugin.
- Fix: Undefined get_customer_id error message in some cases.