CartFlows Pro 2.0.8

Download CartFlows Pro 2.0.8 from nulled fire. Turn your website into a selling machine using one-click sales funnels with frictionless checkout.
- Improvement: Hardened the security of the plugin.
- Fix: Admin notices conflict with Gravity Forms.
- Fix: Upsell order was not refunding for stripe.
- Fix: A date/time difference in scheduled subscription, if the subscription product is purchased from upsell/downsell.
Updated free version to 1.6.13
- New: Now, you can add products from the URL on the Checkout page.
- Fix: The processing offer order popup was getting added on the rest of the CartFlows Pages.
- Fix: Product option settings are applying even if it is disabled.
- Fix: Product images in product options & order bump were getting stretched in mobile view for safari browser.
- Fix: Design settings of the shortcodes was getting applied even if it is disabled.