CartFlows Pro 2.0.8

Download CartFlows Pro 2.0.8 from nulled fire. Turn your website into a selling machine using one-click sales funnels with frictionless checkout.
  • Introduced Gutenberg Blocks. ( Article )
  • Colors were not getting updated for the Pre-checkout offer with Divi.
  • Order Bump was not showing when the checkout page was set as the home page.
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- New: Introduced Beaver Builder widgets.
- Fix: Split Testing was not getting enabled if the WooCommerce was not installed.
- Fix: Flow Analytics was not working for extensive data.
  • Introduced Elementor widgets. ( Article )
  • Added the WooCommerce Square payment gateway support for the upsell and downsell. ( Article )
  • Analytics DB calls optimized.
  • Flow Analytics was not displaying due to the database query issue.