Complete GDPR / AVG Cookie Consent WordPress plugin (WeePie Cookie Allow) 3.4.8

Download Complete GDPR / AVG Cookie Consent WordPress plugin (WeePie Cookie Allow) 3.4.8 from nulled fire. Easy & Complete Cookie Consent Plugin. Comply to different Cookie Law implementations
fix: WPML installs not fetching correct language for the bar/box/popup<br/>
fix: console error when HTML comments are stripped and script is wrapped<br/>
fix: frontend ajax context param not correct
fixed: PHP 8 Deprecated warnings
fixed: compatibility errors with MaxMind GeoIP2 library in WordFence
fixed: Avada theme compatibility where the wrapper HTML was not loaded
fixed: the upgrade notice message is now dissmisable
fixed: revert last change in the regex pattern for inline JavaScript
fixed: changelog URL not correct in the admin settings notice