Complete GDPR / AVG Cookie Consent WordPress plugin (WeePie Cookie Allow) 3.4.8

Download Complete GDPR / AVG Cookie Consent WordPress plugin (WeePie Cookie Allow) 3.4.8 from nulled fire. Easy & Complete Cookie Consent Plugin. Comply to different Cookie Law implementations
NEW: possibility to export logged consents
NEW: possibility to delete logged consent by a website visitor
fixed: missing alt attributes for settings and closing icons
fixed: make sure the wpcaData script is not blocked
fixed: iFrame blocking logic caused window.history duplicate entries
fixed: HTML processed when cookies before consent is 3rd parties
fixed: settings popup not rendered when automatic cookie blocking disabled
fixed: Microsoft Edge browser shows unsafe content
fixed: regex pattern for iFrames not working with iFrame URL’s with a q
fixed: blocking logic optimizations
fixed: improve settings page text
fixed: typo in the default text for the bar/box content
fixed: removed corrupt code in frontend JavaScript
fixed: revert code which disables consent logs for logged in users
fixed: Avada theme placing the bar/box HTML in a hidden <div>
fixed: placeholder data attribute encoding caused not loading of Google Maps
fixed: invalid new line placholders are replaced
fixed: bar/box not visible when disabling automatic cookie blocking
fixed: compatibility list not updated after plugin upgrade
fixed: template variable escaping
Added: jQuery functions to handle the processing button states
NEW: possibility to switch the position of decline button (left or right to the accept button)
NEW: compatibility with the WP Google Map Plugin
fixed: Fusion (avada) Google Maps compatibility
fixed: Fusion (avada) Google Maps not showing placeholder
fixed: Divi Google Maps not showing placeholder
fixed: JavaScript compatibility callback check not working with prefixed function names
fixed: Google Tag Manager gtag analytical 3rd party not working with tracking ID’s starting with “G-”
improved: blocking logic by having the option to add a depency window object
improved: blocking logic by adding the possible to prefix/suffix HTML element attribute matching patterns
fixed: Microsoft Edge browser shows unsafe content
fixed: auto updating throws an error while extracting the geo database
fixed: automate blocking HTML element property "fp" not available after update
fixed: jQuery migrate warnings
fixed: replace placeholder `{CC}` with cookie category display name
fixed: reload scripts logic fails when having multiple indentical sources
fixed: uppgrade file not replacing for WPML