Download Convert Pro 1.7.7 from nulled fire. Convert Pro is a powerful lead generation tool that converts your website traffic into leads.
- New: Checkbox size option.
- Improvement: A/B testing logic.
- Improvement: Removed convert pro custom post types from crawling.
- Fix: Honeypot Anti-spam field - by default enable.
- Fix: Duplicate multi-step fields not working.
- Fix: WPSSO plugin conflict.
- Fix: WP to Buffer plugin conflict.
- Fix: open_base() dir warning.
- Fix: Hide/Show CTA strings were appearing in inline CTAs.
- Improvement: Improvement in loading translation files.
- New: Date Form field.
- New: Set new cookie when popup is submitted/closed.
- New: Hide call-to-action by Cookie Name.
- New: Text Transform option for form fields.
- Improvement: Show call-to-action by Cookie Name.
- Improvement: WCAG standard for all form fields.
- Fix: Convert Mat scrolling issue on mobile.
- Fix: Bridge theme conflict.
- Fix: Silverscreen theme conflict.
- Fix: Pie Register plugin conflict.
- Fix: All In One Schema Rich Snippets plugin conflict.
- Fix: Helios Solutions WooCommerce Hide Price and Add to Cart button plugin conflict.