Download Convert Pro 1.7.9 from nulled fire. Convert Pro is a powerful lead generation tool that converts your website traffic into leads.
- Improvement: Added the MaxMind Geolite2 database integration.(How to Integrate MaxMind Geolocation in Convert Pro? - Convert Pro)
- Improvement: Form Date field - Increased the Year range from 10 to 50.
- Improvement: Replaced load() to onload() function.
- Fix: Strong Testimonials Pro Templates plugin JS Conflict Convert Pro popup editor.
- Fix: Phlox theme CSS Conflict Convert Pro popup editor.
- Fix: Redeclaration activation() function - woo-commerce gateway payment express plugin.
- Fix: Scrolling with-in range ruleset not working.
- Fix: Form data not submitted to the when Mailster/MailPoet API integrated.
- Fix: Convert Pro Addon - Not able to download.
- Fix: Displaying the system date in Schedule ruleset.
- Fix: AB test child CTA's displaying repeatedly.
- Fix: Template file not loaded properly.
- Fix: Unable to search the target specifics display rules.
- Fix: Unable to edit mailer connection.
- Improvement: Hardened the security of plugin.
- Improvement: Compatibility with latest WordPress PHP_CodeSniffer rules.
- Fix: Full-Screen CTA Mobile editor elements editing issue.
- Fix: Slide-In CTA Shape elements pointer showing when 'disable click' event is turned ON.
- Fix: Not able to create groups on the Convert Pro dashboard.