Download Convert Pro 1.7.7 from nulled fire. Convert Pro is a powerful lead generation tool that converts your website traffic into leads.
- Improvement: Hardened the security of plugin.
- Improvement: Compatibility with latest WordPress PHP_CodeSniffer rules.
- Fix: Full-Screen CTA Mobile editor elements editing issue.
- Fix: Slide-In CTA Shape elements pointer showing when 'disable click' event is turned ON.
- Fix: Not able to create groups on the Convert Pro dashboard.
- Security Fix: Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability.
- Improvements: Re-structured and optimized the codebase to improve security.
- Fix: WP CLI support added. (Convert Pro WP CLI Commands - Convert Pro)
- Fix: Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer JS conflict - unable to edit the integrated mailer.
- Fix: Multiple info-bar overlapping on same position.
- Fix: Slide-in CTA position issue for toggle button on mobile and desktop in Editor.
- Fix: Slide-in CTA position issue with Multistep for toggle button on mobile and desktop in Editor.
- Fix: Slide in CTA position 'bottom centre' issue with toggle button on desktop.
- Fix: Slide-in CTA with sticky toggle not working on mobile.
- Improvement: Conditionally load Geo Location files.
- Improvement: Filter to change Countdown Timer label name.(How to Change the Labels in the Countdown Timer? - Convert Pro)
- Fix: Removed unwanted actions for buttons and shapes for - In Content, Before/After and Widget type CTA.
- Fix: Convert Pro not White-labeled in Google Recaptcha setting page.
- Fix: Not able to translate the Convert Pro popup when WPML used with CPT.
- Fix: Bridge Theme JS conflict - Required field not set for the form fields.
- Fix: Evergenius Theme JS conflict with Convert Pro editor.
- Fix: Savory theme JS conflict.
- Fix: Modal popup not centered on the mobile.
- Fix: String corrections.
- Fix: Conflict with Astra Theme WooCommerce product plus minus quantity button.
- Fix: Show Credit link displayed even when it is not set.
- Fix: Count As Conversion option when Analytics is not set.
- Fix: Multiple Info-Bar CTA toggle button issue.
- Fix: Toggle button not showing in Info-bar CTA Editor.