Directories Pro plugin for WordPress 1.14.24

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Download Directories Pro plugin for WordPress 1.14.24 from nulled fire. Directories Pro is a WordPress plugin that lets you build any kind of directory
Bug fixed: Geocoding was not functioning correctly since v1.14.1 on certain occasions.
Bug fixed: ACF field shortcode not displaying content with block themes.
Version numbering restarted from 1.14.0 due to a numbering mistake in the previous release.
Bug fixed: Datepicker not allowing selection of dates before 1970-1-1.
Bug fixed: Non-admin users unable to change post status of listings/reviews from backend.
Bug fixed: Error saving values for "Reference" type field on certain occasions.
Bug fixed: Compatibility issue with PolyLang resolved.
Bug fixed: Sticky map feature not working properly on certain occasions.
Bug fixed: Official color was not applied to Instagram icon.
Bug fixed: Some notice/warning/deprecated level PHP errors.
Added: Option to disable loading frontend dashboard panel (posts) using AJAX.
Added: Ability to resubmit star ratings with option to toggle it on/off.
Added: Option to choose post status of expired listings (draft or trash).
Added: Option to use custom "Date" type field value as listing expiration date.
Added: Option to expire referenced/referencing listings.