Divi Builder Wordpress Plugin 4.25.1

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Download Divi Builder Wordpress Plugin 4.25.1 from nulled fire. Divi Builder - A drag and drop page builder for any WordPress theme.
- Security Update: Added permission checks on all heartbeat callbacks. For more information, please read: Elegant Themes Security Update
- Separated page fetching into a separate ajax call to reduce peek memory usage during post.php loading.
- Fixed a bug that caused Theme Customizer button padding to overwrite custom button module padding added in the Divi Builder.
- Exclude current post/page from Existing Pages in Divi Library.
- Fixed an error that could sometime happen in Divi Library when loading a layout.
- Fixed a bug that could cause the 'Add Module' modal to show no content.
- Added in page creation UI animation dependency on builder settings.
- Decreased PHP memory usage to avoid possible server errors.
- Updated styling for contact module's checkbox field.
- Fixed never-before-published draft pages not showing up in Existing Pages in Library.
- Fixed an issue where dragging a section to the very top while in wireframe mode was not easy.
- Fixed a Javascript error that occurred when changing a value in a numeric input field and clicking out of the field quickly.
- Fixed tooltip still visible after the module buttons clicked.
- Fixed the Animation Takes Too Long Time To See The Icons.
- Added new page creation workflow for the Visual Builder
- Any page can now be duplicated/imported into the builder.
- Added in ability to copy individual font options across different type of modules.
- Fixed selector used for custom CSS styles targeting form fields in the Email Optin module.
- Fixed an issue where the tooltip modal would not align correctly while in wireframe mode on the VB.
- Fixed an issue when zooming would cause a 1 pixel line when using section dividers.
- Fixed js error occurring in Blog and Portfolio modules when using pagination in Divi Builder Plugin.
- Fixed bug CSS selectors syntax when Divi Builder plugin is active.
- Updated the styling of the error message within the optin module.
- Fixed a PHP compatibility issue for version 5.2 where a function did not exist.
- Fixed Mailchimp newsletter subscribe option resulting in double optin even when single optin was chosen.
- Fixed an issue in the Constant Contact API Wrapper that made it impossible to subscribe an existing subscriber to any additional lists.
- Fixed a PHP error that was triggered on some AJAX calls when ET_DEBUG constant was set to true.
version 2.5.1
- Fixed an issue with copying styles of an Accordion Module Item not working correctly.
- Fixed js error when opening Module Settings while "Add To Library" modal is opened.
- Fixed an issue where you could no longer close module settings modal with ESC keyboard shortcut.
- Fixed rendering issue with global Code Module in Visual Builder.
- Fixed an error that occurred when editing the Social Follow module in the Visual Builder.
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/bundle.js

version 2.5
- Added feature that enables users to filter the settings modal options in addition to searching.
- Added new element right click menu option "View Modified Styles".
- Added new Go To Option item to settings modal right click menu.
- Fixed the issue where native browser context menu wouldn't display within textarea in settings modal.
- Fixed an issue where the context menu of the settings modal header displayed wrong menu items.
- Fixed PHP error occurring when using the module preview in the Classic Divi Builder.
- Fixed the issue where background colors of Social Media Follow items were not reset correctly during resetting styles.
- Fixed a bug where column background settings wouldn't reset while resetting entire section or row styles.
- Fixed the issue where some style options of "Tab Text" options group, within Tabs Module, were not copied correctly.
- Fixed Image Align Bottom option not working on mobile for Fullwidth Header module.
- Fixed certain Visual Builder UI elements not working properly when disabling various things in the role editor.
- Fixed locked specialty sections having wrong color for the Lock and Collapse button.
- Fixed issue with duplicating checkboxes where link wouldn't properly get duplicated as well.
- Fixed a compatibility with Easy Forms for MailChimp that prevented section background colors from being changed.
- Added keyboard shortcut hint into builder helper for reset module styles.
- Fixed issue with custom margin value working incorrectly for the blog module.
- Added extra security hardening to the OAuth2 authorization callback.