Divi Builder Wordpress Plugin 4.25.1

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Download Divi Builder Wordpress Plugin 4.25.1 from nulled fire. Divi Builder - A drag and drop page builder for any WordPress theme.
4.9.1 ( updated 03-03-2021 )
- Fixed issue where you couldn't save a theme builder template when Yoast SEO plugin is activated.
- Fixed global colors are not updated in presets.
- Fixed new module styles inherited from existing module that not visible in viewport.
- Added wp_body_open method on the default header template.
- Introduces new way to register store on Divi Layout Block to fix deprecated registerStore method.
- Fixed fatal error after importing layout from Library modal on Divi Layout Block.
- Fixed Divi Builder button incorrect position on Gutenberg editor.
- Fixes PHP warning undefined property ID of post on FluentCRM dashboard.
- Fixed deprecated way to define Divi Layout Block controls.
- Fixed Email Optin Module's form on left not aligning correctly if there is no title.
- Fixed unwanted top offset for Settings Modal in Theme Builder and Layout Editor in GB.
- Fixed the issue when you cannot close the Layers view modal in Theme Builder.
- Fixed an issue where renaming a Template in Theme Builder was not reflecting in library.
- Fixed the issue where browser context menu didn't show inside the Code option of the Code Module.
- Fixed error printed in the browser console when copy & paste styles modules with global colors enabled.
- Fixed issue with find and replace not working on RGBA colors.
- Added support for Dynamic Content 'Manual Custom Field' outside the Theme Builder.
- Fixed a fatal error that could happen while saving a Theme Builder template when Yoast plugin was active.
- Fixed an issue with the Contact Form simple captcha field where the input field would not be cleared when a wrong result was submitted.
- Fixed docked video jumping issue when dragged to the left or top edge.
- Fixed menu module's mobile menu background color when the responsive style is enabled.
- Fixed adjusting global color change from background gradient.
- Fixed PHP Error when switching Divi Theme and Divi Builder plugin.
- Fixed various jQuery breaking changes and deprecated warnings.
- Fixed jQuery deprecated warnings on ET products.
- Fixed Email Optin module with MailPoet showing error message even when subscriber is added to the list.
- Introduces FluentCRM plugin and Email Optin module integration.
- Fixed the issue when Divi Presets and Global Colors were missing in exported layouts.
- Fixed various jQuery breaking changes and deprecated warnings.
- Introduced Divi's new global color system.
- Fixed an issue with WooCommerce login on the Checkout page where login error notices would not be displayed in some cases.
- Fixed an issue with the Contact Form module displaying unwanted additional options for all field types.
- Fixed issue with Divider flip functionality on Safari.
- Fixed Theme Builder Static CSS cache not bursting on the TB layout change.
- Fixed Post Title Module's headings style of Theme Builder template affecting GB editor content.
- Fixed the issue where button settings of the child Pricing Table element were not overriding settings of the parent Pricing Tables button.
- Improves sub history action hooks on builder.
- Fixed an error causing builder to not function properly when common dependencies are modified/used.
- Fixed issue where you couldn't authorize a SalesForce account.
- Improve LiteSpeed Cache compatibility during clear cache action.
- Changed default filename for Layout Export as the Page Title.
- Fixed wrong options filter placement in expanded single panel content settings modal.
- Fixed builder crash with error "Cannot create property 'content' on string..." when dragging module or updating text module.
- Added an option on shop module's custom css option to change the display property of the star ratings like color, font-size etc.
- Fixed fatal error in the quick configuration wizard of Schema plugin.
- Fixed Quick Actions modal being launched unintentionally when typing in focusable element.
- Fixed builder crash when CSP is enabled by WP Simple Firewall plugin (Shield Security).
- Fixed Find & Replace not replacing Button BG And Column Background.
- Fixed video module not displaying proper video dimensions when border radius for the module is changed.
- Fixed Overlay option being visible when slider layout was selected in Gallery Module.
- Fixed HubSpot Single Checkboxes custom field get Converted to radio buttons in Email Optin Module.
- Fixed image/icon position in Blurb module for mobile devices.
- Fixed TinyMCE output content to produce consistent value before it's saved.
- Fixed shop module not respecting the pagination display option for mobile devices.
- Restored the missing "Use Background Color" option in some modules: Countdown Timer, Call To Action, Login, Email Optin, Testimonial.
- Fixed Contact Form field alignments on Front End.
- Fixed Header or Footer created from Theme Builder not working on Heroic Knowledge Base category pages.
- Fixed issue where setting toggle group fields was empty when switching to global preset mode.
- Resolved the issue where every menu's location added via the menu module was shown as primary even if it wasn't a primary menu.
- Fixed button transition issue when button hover properties on hover applied.
- Fixed an issue where the class names for the portfolio items were not the same for visual builder and on the frontend.
- Fixed an issue where left padding for a section was affecting the position of the divider.
- Fixed an issue with the Fullwidth menu module where background color wasn't displaying when the section had a parallax background.
- Fixed an issue where, in some cases, mouse wheel scroll did not work inside the icon select option.
- Fixed issue where one user with same email cannot subscribe to multiple MailPoet lists.