- Fixed issue when changing the colors of the Circle Counter in different responsive view contexts.
- Fixed the issue when module settings were not saved in some cases.
- Fixed uncaught addEventListener error when hover over Divi Layout Block and it's not activated yet.
- Updated Divi Layout placeholder button class names and fixed deprecated properties and methods warnings.
- Restricted the Divi Presets functional for non admin users.
- Theme Builder will now disable some filters (like Blur) on hover to match Visual Builder behavior.
- Fixed the issue when any Custom CSS settings assigned through a module preset were not displayed in Visual Builder.
- Fixed an issue where the body text style overwrote the company text style when a company link was set.
- Increased reCAPTHA badge z-index to ensure it's always on top.
- Fixed broken Divi Layout block preview and styles when Gutenberg preview device is on tablet or mobile type.
- Hides actions control on the builder metabox.
- Handles deprecated function wp_make_content_images_responsive() on rendering layout.
- Improved embedded video performance by caching the result.
- Fixed undefined text on new editable block element on 3rd party extensions.
- Fixed PHP 7.4+ deprecated passing parameters to join() (implode() alias) in reverse order.
- Updated the Support Center to verify the WP Debug Log setting points to a file (not a directory) before attempting to load its recent entries.