Divi Builder Wordpress Plugin 4.25

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Download Divi Builder Wordpress Plugin 4.25 from nulled fire. Divi Builder - A drag and drop page builder for any WordPress theme.
- Fixed compatibility issue with Cloudinary plugin.
- Fixed margin settings by moving default margin bottom of product rating to module wrapper on Woo Rating module.
- Fixed window.et_pb_init_woo_star_rating is not a function error.
- Fixed warning shown on use of undefined constants.
- Fixed the issue when a Custom CSS setting may not display the color icon either after the field reset or after the copy and paste a value.
- Fixed image box shadow styles not being rendered on Woo Images.
- Updated the Support Center to handle a case where an expected User Role does not exist.
- Fixes quantity input field styles that are overridden by plugin reset stylesheet.
- Fixed short-code not working in excerpts for Blog module.
- Improved Visual Builder loading time.
- Fixed unnecessary margin-bottom in the pricing table module.
- Fixed the issue where Text and Box Shadow options were not reset correctly if those type of options have Global Defaults assigned.
- Improved performance by using an option template mechanism.
- Fixed decimal number for circle counter not working in Visual Builder.
- Fixed unnecessary margins in Fullwidth Header that don't use an image.
- Fixed justify text alignment option not working in tablet and phone.
- Removed the PHP warning that appeared when the Divi Builder plugin was activated along with any legacy Elegant Themes theme.
- Fixed grid thumbnail images not being same size for portfolio and gallery module.
- Fixed broken icon when the icon size is enabled on hover but the value is inherited from the desktop size.
- Fixed 406 Not Acceptable errors when submitting forms on certain hosting providers.
- Fixed a case where Safe Mode could not be enabled in Support Center.
- Fixed the issue when Divi Library JSON layouts were imported without the Type attribute.
- Added Support Center to Bloom, Monarch, and Divi Builder plugins.
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Reactions: kayamusti
- Fixed the first embedded video for Video slider module not being rendered in the builder.
- Fixed wrong method used while sync the image metadata cache.
- Fixed inability to extend button options to other modules.
- Fixed module text alignment issue in FE when video in slider is used.
- Removed Text Text Alignment option, then migrate Text Text Alignment value into Text Alignment.
- Fixed too much spacing below responsive tabs for custom spacing options.
- Fixed third party extension child modules not receiving their dynamic prop in the Visual Builder.
- Fixed the issue when Theme Customizer Buttons settings were not retained after updating to a new theme version.
- Fixed missing separator when date is disabled for post title module.
- Removed inherit property value on padding, width, and display of Blurb content & image container when user set different image & icon position on mobile.
- Fixed the issue when Global Defaults settings became incorrect after importing Theme Customizer settings.
- Fixed the issue when image inner shadow assigned globally wasn't applied within the Visual Builder in some situations.
- Fixed alignment issue between contact form captcha and submit button.
- Fixed default title font size not being rendered as placeholder.
- Fixed unwanted empty paragraph tag added into responsive/hover content.
- Fixed PHP warning on FE due to incorrect Grunt translation.
- Fixed the "Use Background Color" field on the CTA module not working on tablet and phone.
- Fixed issue displaying images when using relative URL.
- Fixed background color rendering issue on bar counter module.
- Fixed JS error when we are editing background gradient then we close settings modal with ESC button.
- Fixed the issue when it was possible to paste unsupported elements on library items.
- Fixed the issue when copying styles between the modules under the global section/row did not get saved correctly.
- Fixed issue with Quick Access being unable to open Fields options group on Contact Form, Email Optin, Search, Comments, and Login.
- Fixed issue where image URL was not replaced when importing layout having images with unicode characters in file name.