- [fix] Vendor gets error while purchasing normal product with PayPal in checkout page
- [fix] Single product multi vendor products showing others vendor area issue when SPMV product duplicated
- [fix] Admin commission set 0 by default when create/update vendor form admin area
- [fix] Enable vacation mode is hiding products from vendor dashboard, vendor not able to see the products
- [fix] Vendor staff not able to add/edit any product on vendor dashboard, also fixed capabilities issue and imporove code standard
- [fix] Vendor shipping settings page showing js error issue when try to add/update any shipping zone
- [fix] Update vendor review REST API and fixed some errors
- [fix] SMS verification error message translation not available
- [fix] SMS verification error handling for vendors
- [fix] Booking product virtual option not saving while 1st time create form vendor dashboard
- [fix] Coupon minimum amount not working with variation products issue fixed
- [fix] Vendor product addon appears in every product in marketplace when that vendor logged in
- [fix] Product wise Commission is not working in subscription product on admin area product edit page
- [fix] Report csv header mismatch issue fixed
- [fix] Stripe Dashboard does not show the price including the tax for vendors
- [fix] SKU data not importing when CSV import on vendor dashboard
- [fix] Booking single day no data showing, responsiveness issue fixes form vendor dashboard booking details page
- [fix] Product seo default meta description removed from vendor dashboard product edit page
- [fix] Check product pack end date before cancelling vendor subscriptions
- [fix] Downloads files showing multiple entries when have suborder
- [fix] Variable product showing extra fields when subscription type product update from vendor dashboard
- [fix] Bookable Product: Booking by day view which is missing in Booking calender.
- [fix] If the processing fee is not 0 and if the dokan_gateway_fee_paid_by meta is blank then the processing fee is paid by the admin.
- [Fix] Stripe Refactor
- [fix] Customer subscription cancel status not showing for vendor
- [fix] Wholesale product checkbox not working when product status pending
- [fix] Product wise commission not working comma decimal issue fixed
- [fix] Dokan modules section active/inactive issue
- [fix] Product addon select field not saving when price field blank
- [fix] PHP 5.6 Compatibility, **update: required minimum php version is set to 7.0.0
- [fix] Duplicate product not working when try any product duplicate
- [fix] Fixed translation issue for Dokan pro
- [fix] Modules url changes on module title and image in Dokan admin
- [fix] Dokan booking calendar only shows one booking on a single day
- [new] Vendor Analytics
- [new] Live search with autocomplete list
- [update] Refactor and fix stripe connect module
- [fix] Add gateway fee payee indicator in admin report logs
- [fix] Booking confirmation not working when trying to confirm it from the booking list
- [fix] Text domain fix on export and import fix
- [fix] Activate only available modules during plugin activation
- [fix] Product type not changing to grouped
- [fix] Branding issue on Dokan seller search on store list page
- [fix] Vendor earning in order details after the refund
- [fix] Vendor export statement in report
- [fix] Remove external product type from subscription allowed product types
- [fix] Subscription product price not saving when WC auction plugin active
- [fix] Featured sellers showing more than limit
- [fix] Product tags search not working properly on quick edit area
- [fix] Text domain issue when report abuse delete in js end
- [fix] JS console error fixed on report abuse module edit product page
- [fix] Text domain missing on Wholesale module
- [fix] Subscription plan page design broken when different language use
- [fix] Vendor product csv import ui issue
- [fix] Dokan Pro core email template locations
- [fix] Store default geolocation when creating product first time
- [fix] Coupon product and exclude product field move to search select with variations
- [fix] Missing report header in csv
- [fix] Missing translation string for Dokan Subscription module
- [fix] Product variation toggle issue, variation downloadable file delete issue
- [fix] Product inquiry email spelling mistake
- [fix] Vendor can modify other vendor product
- [fix] Multi vendor duplicate SKU
- [fix] Vendor not getting email confirmation
- [fix] Can not quick update products when product limit reached
- [fix] Product addons vendor staff vendor view
- [fix] CSV import feature column to false if not admin
- [fix] Export wholesale column missing
- [fix] Edited product status not working properly
- [fix] Simple subscription layout break when vendor subscription active
- [fix] Product add-on type File upload does not show the file on vendor order
- [fix] Auction start,end field disable from keyboard
- [fix] Announcements week days to month
- [fix] Product discount price scheduled issue
- [fix] Import restriction on subscription category
- [fix] Wholesale customer registration email to admin
- [fix] Report custom date not working for daily sales & statements
- [fix] New refund request email not sending to admin
- [fix] WooCommerce deprecated function changes
- [fix] Refund issue with decimal formatting number order total