- [feat] Decimal and Thousand Separator with Comma
- [feat] Gateway Fee, Total Shipping and Total Tax 3 new columns added on all logs
- [feat] Gallery image restriction count for vendor subscription module
- [fix] Stripe token issue fixed
- [fix] Shipping Issue with Same Country Multiple Zones
- [fix] Vendor product subscriptions not working with stripe connect
- [fix] Dokan Stripe conflicting with other payment methods when only enable it
- [fix] Add cart validation when try to add multiple subscriptions products
- [fix] When subscriptions product payment complete then active status update
- [fix] Subscription module image gallery restriction added for product edit
- [fix] Vendor subscription conflict with WooCommerce subscription in admin edit product page
- [fix] Fix loading active modules
- [fix] Now gateway fee subtract from admin commission value and make it separate column on all logs
- [fix] When try to add new card number in my account page on payment methods tab then it not worked
- [fix] Coupon and auction module pricing issues
- [fix] Gateway fee minus from admin commission earning
- [fix] Fatal error showing on refund request when RMA enable
- [fix] Fatal error when place an order note by vendor staff
- [fix] Stripe Module add 2 requires options must need to add stripe credential and SSL
- [fix] Stripe Module added 2 notices for stripe credential and another for SSL activation
- [fix] Geolocation auto set same as store when product update from admin
- [fix] Add text Shipping Policies link after gear icon on vendor shipping setting page
- [fix] Text domain missing on email verification notice
- [new] Add Facebook Messenger to Dokan live chat (Live Chat)
- [improvement] Stripe Connect Module rearrange and refactor (Stripe Connect)
- [improvement] Vendor Subscription Module rearrange and refactor (Vendor Subscription)
- [fix] The minimum amount for discount coupon not working from vendor dashboard
- [fix] Store review not working if verified owner option is checked (Store Reviews)
- [fix] Dokan Sellers Sitemap XML file showing 404
- [fix] Shipping is showing for both vendors even if one of them sales digital product with no shipping
- [fix] Check if Dokan lite exists to avoid fatal error on Dokan pro installation is fixed
- [fix] Currency positioning for subscription product
- [fix] Shipping tax calculates wrong for sub orders
- [fix] Error When request a Refund and WooCommerce Product Addon plugin active (Refund with WooCommerce Product Addon)
- [fix] Error on RMA module if product not found (Return and Warranty Request)
- [fix] When multiple refund then commission value showing minus
- [fix] Remove get_current_screen function from vendor subscription product module (Vendor Subscription Product)
- [fix] Vendor dashboard product export showing fatal error (Vendor Product Importer and Exporter)
- [fix] Undefined index issue fixed on Geolocation module (Geolocation)
- [fix] Throw exception if source is not valid